(This article was first emailed on October 28, 2021 to fans who had registered an interest in finding out more about our Tricorder.)
A fifty-five year mission, and we are here…

I am thrilled to announce that we will be showcasing the Tricorder Replica in person for the very first time at Destination Star Trek London!
I will be presenting the Tricorder Replica with Andrew Stockdale and James Thomas, key members of the development team, who I introduced to you in my last newsletter/blog. Together we will be participating in a panel discussion on Saturday 13th November when we will demonstrate the functions and features of the very first working sample of our Tricorder Replica, while also discussing more about the development process over the last few years, and answering questions from the audience.
Destination Star Trek London will be taking place over three days at ExCeL in the heart of London’s docklands from Friday 12th November to Sunday 14th November 2021. For more information and details about the event, the guests, the venue, and of course, if you want to purchase tickets, go to destinationstartrek.com.
We look forward to seeing you there!
For more updates, make sure to follow us on social media.
Fans who register with us will be the first to read our news and the progress of this exciting Tricorder development and, later, where and when to purchase it. You can catch up with the story so far here on this blog, but if you haven’t already done so, why not register your interest in the Tricorder – you’ll then receive a personalised registration certificate and early access to these updates (before we publish them on our website).
Looks absolutely fantastic…have waited for years for this and can’t wait for it’s release. Big thanks to the whole team for what looks like the definitive tricorder on the market. Will look brilliant alongside my Wand Company phaser and communicator.
Calling it now… there’s a Phaser re-issue eminent. I’ll need an ‘away team’ case for my gear, folks.
“Landing party”. (“Away team” is TNG.)
If the tricorder is only 1/2 as good as the excellent original communicator it will be so brilliant.
The communicator is fabulous.
Will Wand be re-creating the STNG coms badge
Thanks for your kind words. We did consider the coms badge at one point but felt that the battery size/life combined with the limitations of current speaker technology when taken together would have prevented the badge from working in the way it does on-screen, and as a result of that, we quickly discounted it as a potential project.
Hello, is there an date for the release of the tricorder? I have two of each communicator and phaser and would love to complete the landing party kit.
The battery can be in a separate back-module that is hidden beneath the fabric. The power is transferred via two pins that pass through the fabric and fix the badge unit onto the front of the fabric.
Yes, I guess that would work, although it would not be as easy as you make it sound. Interfaces like that are always more tricky than they at first appear and often go wrong. But even if you solved that issue satisfactorily enough, you still have the near-impossible task of making the comm audio loud enough to make sense and for that, you need a bigger speaker and speaker holes for the sound to come out properly.
Just wondering on any updates of when the tricoder will be available.
Really excited for its release!
I have two be happy to sell one…but it’ll cost you.
I’ve been waiting forever for this! With the trickier release the last of , as I like to call it the holy trail of trek collectables, will be complete!
Live long and prosper!
Yes please! I want the whole kit, phaser, communicator and tricorder in one away kit. Do you remember the one you had as a child? I do….hours of imaginative fun.
Bring on the preorders! Can’t wait!
Hmmmm….Phaser reissue you say. It would be nice to be able to get inside the P1 to replace the battery. Maybe add another “mode” to control the Mood Rock from from this phaser as well? Sorry…..off topic. Hope you guys had a great holiday. Looking forward to the TRICORDER demo. TAKE MY MONEY!
SO when can us who have expressed interest since the beginning get one?
Need to complete the set !
I think if they ever decide to bring back the phaser, it won’t be in its original form. With Fire sticks, AppleTV, and other streaming options with proprietary controllers, TV remotes don’t seem viable as a product like they were close to a decade ago. Sure, they could just make it with enhanced FX mode and just call it a replica. Or, they could develop an AR application. I think it would be so cool to shoot virtual phaser beams at real world targets in an augmented reality world. Just a thought…….
When I think of a functional phaser replica, the first thing that comes to mind is a laser pointer… but that’s admittedly pretty mundane lol
We did originally want to do this with a daylight visible green laser (i.e. where you could see the beam) but we thought that it was too dangerous and anything that looks good is pretty much illegal anyway (for good reason), so that’s why we went for the remote control in the end.
Dealing with humans….good call on no laser. However, it would be nice to get the pahser re-issued in stripped down form.. All people like me really need is the look and for it to be quite loud. That will keep the squirrels away!
If the phaser was reissued and is to still be used as a remote maybe it should be updated to work with Fire sticks, AppleTV, Roku etc? Since all of those devices from my understanding when looking it up, are able to use a universal remote as long as it’s compatible.
Christa’s idea of a laser pointer would be fun, but if it’s an issue maybe make it into a flashlight instead. It’s silly, but at least it would still be functional. Perhaps have a setting to have on it silent in case people don’t phaser sounds every time they turn the flashlight mode on.
If I’m not mistaken Apple TV and Fire Sticks are RF Bluetooth control, The relevant component in the phaser is IR, so would require a mayor redesign, not only that but there may be licensing issues for controlling the two biggest TV platforms on the planet.
correct, this is indeed one of the issues we are considering.
My phaser works just fine with my firestick. It also does some functions for the star trek mood rock. But mostly I just look at it.
Hi Chris is there a chance that the phaser might be re-issued perhaps dispensing with the remote functions and focusing on it being a replica only?
Not much at the moment, but it is a faint possibility for the future, as I would never absolutely rule anything out. However, given the high minimum order quantities (10k units) for many of the specially made metal components and the need for a redesign to change any of the features to improve or remove the remote control functions, and a more than likely chance anyway for the need for a full electronics revision anyway to replace components that might have gone end of line since the last manufacturing run, it is highly unlikely that the project would be viable.
Ah, but if it has to be re-engineered anyway, surely there would be a market for a Strange New Worlds phaser… 🙂
Je suis impatient de pouvoir posséder le tricordeur, il va pouvoir se mettre à côté du phaser et du communicateur. Merci pour le beau travail, il a l’aire super dommage que je ne sais pas me rendre a Londre. Bonne continuation Dominique
This will be a great add to my current collection. I have both Phaser and Communicator – both excellent devices and expertly detailed. Some time ago I had an issue with the communicator stand – it was not charging the communicator correctly. The Wand Company quickly sent me a replacement and I’ve had no problems since. I can say that I’m a very happy camper and truly appreciate the quality products and services that the Wand Company has in place.
I’m looking for an update on the reveal at the London show. I can’t find anything.
I’m having trouble with my phaser keeping charge. What do I do? Also, I was tempted to buy a 2nd phaser and communicator but can’t find them except used and way overpriced? Are they still in production? How can I get them from you? And the mood light.
Go to the star trek shop. They had a communicator reissue in Nov. not sure if they’re any left though. It is a 55th anniversary with new audio clips. The phaser is way out of production, at least for now.
I am so excited to see this fabulous work of science and art in person. Congratulations to the team of artists who brought this piece of classic SyFy history to life.
I am sorry but hotmail and Yahoo have a habit of bouncing emails from newsletters and we try to resend but still many with those email clients are not getting the messages. if you want to be sure to get the updates, then please get a gmail account email address (which are free) and email us on support@thewandcompany.com letting us know your previous email address and we will amend your registration with the new account details. Thx
Chris…any video you can share from the London Destination Star Trek demo? As Roger Rabbit would say…. P-p-p-lease?
We will be sharing it soon hopefully.
Had to re register for the Tricorder. For some reason I have not been getting the Tricorder updates and was worried I would miss out my registration from my other email address
Is there any chance of the Tricorder being released before Christmas?
Christmas 2022 yes, Christmas 2021 no chance I am afraid
Preorders may open by Christmas but no chance we’ll have them in our hands by then.
I agree with Mike L. We’re itching for some video, maybe even the next update.
Thanks TWC!
I’m a serious Star Trek Junkie and I need my fix, any information on the Tricorder should do the trick. You’re my only hope. ha-ha
Wondering if there was any video taken of the reveal that could be shared with us poor frogs across the pond? I’m sure you’ve been asked this already but I figured . . . what the heck, why not prod? Hope you and the team are well. This bloody virus needs to take a holiday so we can all get on with life again. (Did you like how I snuck in some British vernacular there?)
Hi Rauel, We were not able to take any decent video of the DST panel session I am afraid. I am really sorry about that i was hoping to get some great feed and be able to share it.
Chris, How about a “demo” at your office? Cheers!
Was attendance at the reveal good? I have to believe that people were bonkers over it. Did you get any helpful feedback? I would think George Takei would have loved to do a photo op holding it. Be well. Here’s to a very merry Christmas.
It was a great day actually. We got a photo of George Takei holding the tricorder and we’ll share it soon.
Oh My!
Will the tricorder have it’s signature high pitched warble sound effect?
yes, it will have the scanning sound. The tricorder shown to Adam Savage in the Tested, and shown in the YourGeekFix interviews had early preproduction software in it and as such did not have all the relevant audio clips enabled.
Any updates? Hopefully, the New Year will see the end of Covid-19 and the release of the Tricorder-22!
I cant wait… Can I buy two? So excited! You are the BEST! I have the Phaser and Communicator. They sit proudly on my desk t my home offce. I cant wait to add to the glass case. Just amazing top quality !!!!!!! Great job Wand Team !!!!!
Rick Cardinal
Century 21 Cardinal
Nashua , NH
I can’t wait! You guys are amazing! Sadly, I’d like a phaser too so now all you need is 9999 more fans like me!
Just like the communicator re-release I think the phaser would sell out in a hurry.
Like you and me there must be a large number of people out there waiting and hoping for a phaser re-issue and if so would be more than happy to purchase a number of them.
Like you and me there must be a large number of people out there waiting and hoping for a phaser re-issue and if so would be more than happy to purchase a number of them. I missed out on the communicator so when it was re-issued I bought three of them and would do the same if the phaser is offered again.
The tricorder looks wonderful. I would hope that the opening graphic would be more akin to something that we would have seen on the series. The only function that I can see that isn’t replicated is the devices ability to record video, which would have been a complete home run. The functions that are offered will make this a very unique item for the fans. Can’t wait to have it in the collection!
Can’t wait for the tricorder.
I think the phaser should be reissued with all the light and sound capabilities but minus the remote control functionality.
I also think the battery should be replaceable.
For those of us with the current phaser, is there any way to make “phaser I” available separately? That way we would have battery replacement.
That is a good thought about the Phaser I, but right now we have no plans to remake the Phaser, but that’s not to say we won’t reconsider that in the future.
I’ve stopped receiving update emails, when can we expect to hear more about the tricorder’s development and when will it be available?
Yes there will be more updates coming soon.
So how did it go? Smashing success? crowds roaring approval? Now back to the grindstone fully engaged to bring the product to life for the rest of us.?
Yes, that sort of thing. We’re still toiling away, modding some fo the design to accommodate new components in place of the ones now impossible to source in time.
G’day Chris. I think that if it means getting the most accurate replica ever made, ALL Trekkies would be more than willing to wait that extra bit of time. My thought is you should simply continue on the path you were on and stick to your guns rather than modding stuff. If time is needed to source components then I feel, as would others, that you should just take the time to source those parts so as to make the most awesome replica ever (other than the communicator and phaser). Anyway, I can’t wait to receive news that they are ready to purchase but am also happy to wait so you guys get it right. Cheers mate. Dan
Thanks for your kind words… don’t worry, a quality feel and total accuracy are paramount… the replacement parts are for electronics components that we are finding it impossible to get.
Chris, do you have any details about the power source for the tricorder? Is it batteries (if so what type is it)… is it some sort of rechargeable battery built in (if so is this user replaceable easily)? I do have a ticket for a pre-order of this and I do not remember seeing any details on the power source and it means a big deal to me that the tricorder will be serviceable in the future since there will be limited examples of this.
Michael, I totally understand where you are coming from. The tricorder is going to be using a rechargeable lithium-ion 18650. The battery won’t be soldered in and a removable panel will allow the user to access it and easily replace it.
It’s 2022…where is our tricorder? I can’t wait any longer!
We are still working on it. We will be releasing more details in a few weeks when we have something to share
Chris- After owning your phaser and communicator, I would buy a Wand tricorder without knowing a single thing about it’s functionality. Your products are amazing and I have been hoping for the tricorder for years. Thank you for the care that the team is putting into this. I am looking forward to reading your blog post on the London reveal.
Anthony, thank you for your kind words and solid support. I can’t wait to own one myself! We do have more newsletter/blog posts planned in the run-up to announcing when the tricorder will be ready for preorder, but you’ll have to continue being patient for the time being.
Hello Chris,
I just wanted to chime in and echo everyone’s enthusiasm and excitement for this pending release, i have the Communicator and what I now refer to as my “pet rock” phaser and mood light which I love!
I missed out on the full phaser, once the tricorder is released will there be any chance of a re-release of the phaser? Or perhaps while we are waiting even? (a man’s gotta dream, right?)
But seriously we are all with you, anxious, excited, perhaps a bit impatient, but only because we know it will be awesome.
As a child who watched Trek from the 1960s and dreamed of this day…I say thank you to you and your team for making these products a reality!!!
Best regards,
I’m really looking forward to the Tricorder? Will it arrive in 2022? Also, I was really enjoying the Tricorder blogs? Will that resume any time soon?
Hopefully, we’ll have a lot more to say soon.
You know wand company first it’s zavvi, then sideshow, now Star Trek shop, why can you not have a positive way of getting out your merchandise. Very disappointing, I have tried to purchase products. Buyer beware.
I am sorry to hear that you are having difficulties with some of our retailers. Supply chain issues are hitting everyone at the moment. If you have issues with any retailer that supplies our products, please take it up with them. We work closely with our retailers to support them as well as we can, but their onward supply is out of our control. If you have problems concerning the supply of one of our products that you can’t rersolve with the retailer in a positive way, then please contact us at support@thewandcomapny.com and we will do what we can to get answers and sort things out for you.
It sounds like, between he chip shortage, and the supply chain issues, you’ve had to do some serious reconfiguration in the electronics. Dose this mean there will be a loss or change in the functionality of the final product? Are there features that I’d notice once I get mine? I say that because even as a static display it’s an amazing piece of work. (Guys, the line for pre-orders starts behind me )
Thank you for your kind words. No, the extra work that various IC supply issues has caused has been necessary to ensure that the tricorder functions as we intended it to do.
Hi Chris
A rumor was dropped over at the RPF that the cost of
the Tricorder has reached $400. No source for this info has been provided and I asked.
Can you squelch or confirm this rumor?
Jim, This is not true… but I would be interested to know where the rumor came from (but only mildly interested).
Thanks for the quick response. If the original poster gives a source, I’ll let you know.
Oh and I mis-typed… that was posted on the Trek Prop Zone, not the RPF.
Does the battery go bad in the P-1
depending on how it has been kept and charged, the batter will have a finite life, so yes eventually those batteries will stop working
Why you aren’t thinking that you may have underpriced them at $250.00.
Yes, you are right, we are thinking that the price will actually be more like $300 now. That’s not because we think we are underpricing it, but just that it has got dramatically more expensive to make.
“All rumors are equally true.”—Robert A. Heinlein.
I wouldn’t worry about it
Best. Mike.
Darkening leaping
A heavy tricorder plays
betrayed by the pants
Greatings, any updates?
Any update on release date and pics ir video of the final product
Hi Folks:
I have not been receiving and e-mail on new tricorder , l have not heard when it going on sale, having register for the tricorder,
I hope there not going to be any price gouging for this unit when it goes on sale,
Are people going to get notified when tricorder are for sale, l hope one buying two,
Have not heard anything on what the prices going to be, l been waiting for this tricorder for some time, it look great, your people did a super great job on it, we’ll that all for now,
Thanks, be safe
Hope to hear what’s going on.
Hi, thank you for your kind words. We have taken a temporary break from the blog writing to concentrate on finalising some of the software design changes that were needed due to the extreme shortage of some of the components we originally planned to use. We plan to sell the tricorder for about $300 (£300) but the final price will depend on the final bill of materials which, in these strange times, seems to fluctuate daily. As soon as possible the blog posts will restart with exciting news and details of the features and functionality. Once we start manufacturing we will announce a preorder period through one of our newsletters so we hope that everyone that has registered will get a chance to preorder.
Chris, thanks for the update. As you know, Sunday, July 26, 2020 the journey began with the announcement that The Wand Company was working on a functioning Original Series Tricorder. On 9 March 2021, after 232 days, the first update email hit our inboxes followed by it being posted on this site 15 March 2021. Thus, we approach the one year anniversary of the Tricorder Blog and soon the two year anniversary of the journeys beginning. ‘Tout vient a qui sait attendre’ by Violet Fane (pseudonym used by the author, lady Mary Montgomerie Currie) includes the line ‘Ah, all things come to those who wait’ in the 2nd verse. Thus it is generally considered the origin of the proverb “Good things come to those who wait.”
Indeed the wait has been longer than expected but c’est la vie! I, as many of us are, am looking forward to seeing and reading about all the design changes, details of the features and associated functionality. I certainly understand you and your team could have said, sorry….this is just too hard but you didn’t and I’m much obliged. Thanks for staying the course and for sharing the journey. Second star to the right and straight on till morning. Good things do come to those who wait.
I cannot wait for this……very excited!
Put me on email list
Joseph, please register your interest here: https://www.thewandcompany.com/star-trek-tricorder/ and this will automatically place you on our email list, thank you
It would indeed be great if since some of the components that went end of line, were replaced with video record/playback electronics…This is probably the very last opportunity for a Tricorder replica to actually have that….
Anthony, The tricorder will not have video recording and playback abilities for all the reasons that we have already discussed in previous answers to your questions and in the blog.
I mentioned it again, since you mentioned that the electronic package had to be re-designed since the components you originally were going to use went “end of line”,,,So in light of that, I thought you just might have reconsidered, which would have been great..my TINY digital camera has that feature as well as my cellphone, so I would think those components would be relatively easy to obtain and adjust, and install and the camera lens could be placed on the back of the unit. That was my point. but obviously you have whatever features you chose to install in the unit finalized. Of course I will get one when whenever it comes out.
I can’t recall a single instance in any TOS episode featuring a Tricorder where it was used to capture anything other than information. The removable data discs idea falls right in line with what was implied, and when my buddies and I role played as kids in the early ’70s, we pretended those discs were interchangeable despite being fixed on the AMT models we all had at the time.
Chris, I am confident that when the production model is finally released, it will follow the same formula of accurate sculpting with idealized design features of the four Star Trek products made so far by the Wand Company (including both versions of the communicator). As an owner of all of these releases, I trust the decisions of your team at Wand Company and expect I’ll be blown away by the Tricorder when it comes out.
Good luck with the finishing stages of this product and hope it hasn’t become more of a burden than a joy for you guys. With all the new challenges in the last couple of years, I’m just glad the project is still alive. Nobody really “needs” a Tricorder like this, so please don’t let the gripes and groans from the peanut gallery dampen your passion. Take care – Brad
Brad, thanks for your kind words of support. I am sure that we won’t fully please absolutely everyone, but then that is pretty much never possible. Don’t worry though, we are focusing our efforts to make this tricorder a properly rewarding and fun piece to own, use, and display.
Video of the images displayed by the Guardian was recorded and analyzed by Spock in ‘The City on the Edge of Forever.’ Not that I’m complaining about the current design, just noting that it was a function of the tricorder on the original series.
Actually in the city on the edge of forever Spok said he was a fool for not recording the history the portal was showing even at that speed and when he made the device in the past to reveal it showed the pictures of two possible futures
Any update for pre-orders? It’s been more than the 30-40 weeks since the July 12, 2021 Launch Update (Newsletter/Blog – Tricorder Update #10). There’s a lot of chatter in the Facebook and other forums that the Tricorder seems to be vaporware. Personally, I appreciate that you’re not taking pre-orders before there’s an actual product that you can ship. I think the thing that would help is some photos or video from that London event? Or have the changes in software and parts availability since that introduction changed it so much that the Tricorder shown there is no longer representative of what will eventually ship?
We wanted to post a video from the London event, but the quality of the video taken was not good enough. We will be making a post soon about the progress; your patience until then is greatly appreciated.
I’d be interested in at least a followup to the topic of this update, the London introduction of the Tricorder. How about an Update 16 with some photos or video from the Destination Star Trek event. Or a link to it, if was already posted somewhere (Youtube)?
If you wait just a bit longer, you’ll hit the 56 year anniversary (6/21/66) for when Wah Ming Chang delivered the original 2 Tricorders to Desilu for TOS (per the Desilu receipt that was posted on the Herocomm site). And close to the same price point (his were $275 ea.)
I can’t speak for anyone else of course, but I’d be more than pleased to buy one of the Wand Company’s tricorders even if global supply chain issues with microprocessors make it impossible to incorporate the functionality suite originally envisioned. I’d be absolutely delighted, in fact, “only” to have flashing lights and spinning moire. I know that Chris and company will deliver a superior-in-every-way piece that will truly “go where no replica has gone before”, even if I can’t ask it to tell me the temperature and barometric pressure. So, processors or no processors, I’m behind you all the way on this product that I’ve been dreaming about for 50 years!
This guy (John Long) is considering making the same licensed and quality replica of the TOS Tricorder that he did a few years ago for the Type 1 Phaser and Communicator. http://www.saucersoverhollywood.com/STP.html
Are there plans to make an ‘exploration set’ akin to the plastic model of old? Phaser, Communicator and Tricorder?
Any new updates? I was one of the first to pre-register and am anxiously awaiting the final product!
Great to read in the comments that this is still happening and the lack of updates is just due to a focus on engineering. I’ll look forward to the next transmission!
Definitely would love to see a Phaser. I missed the original release because I didn’t need a remote control and I wasn’t aware it also was one of the best phaser replicas available! Now that everyone appreciates the quality of it, and I have my awesome communicator, buying a used one to rectify my past ignorance would be an expensive proposition….
No updates since October of last year. Loosing momentum and many peoples interest.
Knock Knock – anyone there? We could really use an Update #16. In email exchanges with TWC there was supposed to be an update at the end of April.
Still awaiting and looking forward to this coming out!
Hi Guys, Do have an estimated date when the tricorder will be for sell can’t why to get my hands on it, I’m not trying to rush you guys it will be worth the wait . can you email me an estimated date when the tricorder will be ready for release thanks
Is this dead? No word for a long time…
Eagerly awaiting news purchasing release and pricing. My dearest friend Mike Cope passed away and I desire to buy a Tricorder because he no longer will be able to. LLAP.
Ray, keep an eye out on Amazon. I’ve seen them listed twice with prime/3rd party. That’s how I got mine and price was $200 brand new.
Looking forward to the release of the tricorder. Hope it’s soon. Live long and prosper.
Are things still on track for Christmas 2022? Will we see another update anytime soon?
Perhaps NLT at the Destination Star Trek Germany, taking place from 23rd to 25th September?
“Are things still on track for Christmas 2022? Will we see another update anytime soon?”
Back in March (ie three months ago), Chris stated: “Once we start manufacturing we will announce a preorder period through one of our newsletters so we hope that everyone that has registered will get a chance to preorder.”
Given the fact we are just over six months away from Christmas (and less than six months away for the Christmas ordering season), and given the fact no “preorder period” has been announced yet, the conclusion to be drawn from those facts is that they have yet to “start manufacturing”. So, at this late date, it would appear they are *not* on track for a 2022 release.
Uh oh. I too registered for the tricorder almost immediately and fear the Wand Co landing party has gone MIA. Seems their transmissions have ceased. But, I’m glad they’re just “refocused” on manufacturing (procurement, assembly, testing, QC)………..yeah. But, hey, it’s really none of our business as to what, how, if they make and/or sell their invention. (their invention of another’s invention that is)
Hi Chris, I hope everything is moving forward with your project. I am jazzed that you guys are building the tricorder. I already have the communicator and phaser – very well done stuff and I’m looking to complete my set with the tricorder.
Hi Chris, I hope everything is moving forward with your project. I am jazzed that you guys are building the tricorder. I already have the communicator and phaser – very well-done stuff and I’m looking to complete my set with the tricorder.
RIP Greg Jein, without whose help the Wand Co’s Phaser, Communicator and eventually Tricorder might not have been possible.
## Comment SPAM Protection: ShieldPRO marked this comment as “Pending Moderation”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “blog post” in “comment_content” ##
Back in early March you said “As soon as possible the blog posts will restart with exciting news and details of the features and functionality.” Nudge, nudge, anything to tell us? Like maybe just mentioning some of the features or functions, since it seems like the supply chain issues are going to drag on into the fall or winter? Speaking for myself and a few friends, it’s the “radio silence” that’s frustrating. Anything, even a newsletter that says ‘there’s nothing to talk about’, would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.
So sorry for the long silence. We have been working very hard with our small team on getting ready for production. The issue has been that much of the work is not the sort of thing that is interesting to talk about… it’s writing thousands of lines of code and dealing with snagging small, but frustrating mechanical issues. It is a complex part and every aspect of the design from the way the doors open (and what happens when they do) to how the main software architecture talks to the layer that everyone interacts with. We grossly underestimated the effort required. I appreciate the sentiment of a newsletter that says nothing to report except we continue to work on it… but very soon now I will be able to start sharing more information about the tricorder’s functions and features as I promised so long ago.
Thanks Chris. I’ll keep checking back regularly and keep my fingers crossed for Christmas 2022.
Thanks for the update.
Thanks for the update…….so ready to see the PREORDER NOW posting soon!
Here’s some questions that haven’t been asked yet. The transit cases for the phaser and the communicator are both very attractive by them selves, and they also are made to stack and fit together, and have “U.S.S. ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 STANDARD ISSUE (followed by the the equipment type PHASER or COMMUNICATOR) printed on them. Will the case for the tricorder follow that same style? With the top box being the smallest (the communicator) in black, and the phaser in grey, will the tricorder then be white or a lighter grey? And will it interlock with the previous two? See I warned you this was going to be questions nobody has asked (but I bet someone has been working on it). Let us know what is in the works for the cases please.
No, we will not be making a large plastic transit case for the tricorder. We did consider it and if we had gone down that route, as you suggest, then yes it would have been designed to fit with the other two cases. but felt that it would be too big and not so relevant. Instead, we have gone for a hard-backed leatherette slip case, which the tricorder slides into and allows the case to be used even when the tricorder is being carried by its straps… a bit like a binoculars’ case.
Thanks, Chris. I would be happy if you just replicated the transit case that Greg Jein brought his priceless original prop to you in- kitchen paper and a cardboard box. Years ago, I offered to give you my money in advance for whatever Trek goodness you produce, and the offer still stands.
Interesting. Can you say if the slip case will be “weather resistant” or padded? If so, that could be quite practical. Thanks to you all for your efforts and perseverance.
Thanks, just one follow up question. The “slip case” is basically something to protect the finish of the tricorder when someone is carrying it. Basically something to prevent excessive where on the exterior of the device, but that allows the shoulder strap to be used and to open, sort of like a cell phone case or the after market cases for Air-pods, is that about right? Sorry never saw a binoculars’ case, but I think I get the idea that it’s something similar to what my 60 year old Canon FT has.
Regarding release:
Chris Barnardo November 19, 2021 at 9:43 am
Christmas 2022 yes, Christmas 2021 no chance I am afraid
You guys still good for that?
I’m dreaming of a Tricorder Christmas. Or should it be
All I want for Christmas is a Tricorder
a Tricorder, see a Tricorder
Gee, if I could only have myself a Tricorder
Then the away party could have a Merry Christmas
Wand Co has been radio silent on official Tricorder updates for nearly a year now (after saying three months ago that “very soon now” we would be getting more updates). Moreover, we are a mere three months away from Christmas (and only two months away from “Black Friday”). Combined with the fact that there has been no “preorder period” announced yet, meaning manufacturing has not yet started (because Wand Co stated: “Once we start manufacturing we will announce a preorder period through one of our newsletters so we hope that everyone that has registered will get a chance to preorder”), it would seem the answer to the question asked back in Nov 2021 has changed: Christmas 2021, no chance. Christmas 2022 no as well.
As to Christmas 2023 – maybe?
Saw this coming MONTHS ago
MAN OH MAN. the longer wait is bad enough, but, understandable. What with the supply shortages etc. but the lack of updates……. well enough said.
The previous releases ( phaser and communicator) were worth the wait. and I know your quality is far above the competition. so I wait. so how about chating us up sometime?
I love the products of the Wand Company. But it is now 11 months since the last update. A short update of the project would be welcome. Something like ‘The project is alive, but supply chain difficulties effect us, let’s look forward to spring 2023’ That wouldn’t be too hard.
Sorry… no not too hard, but sometimes it is difficult to keep up with all the things that need doing… so here you go: ‘The project is alive, but supplychain difficulties affect us, let’s look forward to spring 2023’ seriously Stefan, I think you hit the nail on the head there.
Your signal is weak. Can you turn up your gain?
Hello Chris,
my name is gary W. & I’m in the states. I was 13 when star trek first aired…( yes that was 1966), not 1866 according to my daughter…Ha,ha. I’ve been a fan since, Sooo glad you’re doing the tricorder. I know it’s been a long time coming & a process, but good things come to those who wait. I’m sure that it will look & function as well as you expect ( short of the real thing).
AS I’ve got 2 of your communicators & they work great. bluetooth is good. Will wait for your next comms for the release date & functions & etc.
Keep plugging along & remember, Perfection takes time.
Gary W
This is nice and everything, but I’m still waiting for a marshmallow dispenser.
To anyone who is still looking for the Wand Company’s Star Trek communicator, Amazon (US) has them in stock again. https://www.amazon.com/The-Wand-Company-WRC11215-Communicator/dp/B01ITB1OEC?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1 For the longest time they were showing as unavailable, but somehow they have them in again. No word on phaser availability, but it’s a start.V/R
Go to star trek shop. They have the anniversary edition and it’s cheaper.
Any updates please? I think we have been more than patient. Please, something but utter silence.
Thank you for your more than patience, unfortunately, we need a little more patience if what we are making is going to deliver to the high standards we have set for ourselves.
Any chance we can get an update on the Tricorder? Anything? More delays? Problems in production? Something?
The silence of hard work and [fruitful] head scratching
Thanks, and you’re right it costs about $50 less at the Star Trek Shop. Here’s the link (exact same Wand Company TOS Communicator, just not jacking up the price like the seller on Amizon). https://shop.startrek.com/products/star-trek-bluetooth-communicator?_pos=1&_sid=ea688f802&_ss=r
Yeah, star trek shop had holiday specials last year I got a couple of the communicators for 125.00. They are the 50th anniversary with extra voice clips.
Fellow Collectors,
I have it on good authority (email from TWC) that they are pressing forward: “We are still working full steam on the Tricorder and we really can’t wait for it’s release. Just hang on in there and hopefully more news will come soon.”
I presume that means they are as eager to get this thing to market as we are to get it in our collections / play with it (oh ya….I’m playing with mine).
v/r Mike
I haven’t received an email similar to yours. It’s been radio silence from TWC since the last Tricorder update on 10/28/21 (besides the tribute to Greg Jein last June), which is now just 4 days shy of a year ago! Even if they updated the Tricorder blog, that would be better than nothing.
Yes all very disappointing, especially when half our mechanical engineering team and half our software capability is tied up on getting the tricorder in to production.
When manufacturers use words like “hopefully” it means that some crucial component of the production chain is out of their control and they’re waiting for it to show up. In this case I expect it’s the microprocessors, which TWC is likely sourcing either from China or Taiwan. Given the recent American sanctions on China’s microprocessor industry and the pre-existing chokes in Taiwan’s supply chain due to events of the past couple of years, TWC is competing with big tech and the automotive industry for the sector’s limited output. Sadly, under such circumstances small companies producing limited run niche products (despite the fact that tricorders are waaay cooler than, say, fuel injector controllers!) tend to repeatedly get sent to the back of the queue even if they placed orders months before the “big guys”. So, we just have to chill and send TWC good vibes.
Well, its been a full *year* now since we’ve had any official updates on the tricorder. Radio silence is not the best scheme when it comes to promoting one’s product. 🙁
I felt this coming waaaay back. TWC started getting hedgy with their releases and time tables. Seen it many times in the past. Regardless of why or how or what, they ran with big expectations released to their audience and now have shut down their PR on this to ignore the growing questions. I agree that the world has changed and their sourcing may be an issue but when a company runs a discussion board on their own website and then decides to abandon it in any meaningful way once the accolades begin to swing, they satart to show their true colors. I know they are in business to make a profit. I know they don’t owe anybody anything. But, once you establish a clientele and niche and make promises an entity with integrity will continue to act with etiquette and show consideration to their customers, new and existing. In this case, by at least routinely checking and responding to this board. The cut and run never plays well. I will still buy a tricorder if and when but, as for my appreciation of their executive team, that has dropped several rungs….cmdrdecker
Thanks! Firstly no one is abandoning anyone. We are a very small team and 10,000 interested fans are a lot to answer. We have repeatedly said we are working on it. Things are tough out there and we have had to change software multiple times to work around issues and make sure you get the best product we can make. For anyone who has emailed us we have said that we are still 100% working on the project. The thing is, that until there is something definite to say about the product and the possible launch date, we will not be saying anything else… as you have confirmed, if we make a statement that turns out to be incorrect, then it seems to do more harm than good and as a result of that, we are not going to make any further statements about the project until we are sure that we can deliver on what we are saying, and in an uncertain world, that will be only when we are at the point of starting manufacture. Which as we keep on saying… and hoping, will be soon.
Hi Chris,
I am sure I speak for many when I simply say, Thanks. We appreciate all of the effort and hard work your team does, and look forward to a quality product that we know you will make. These are unprecedented times, and we will wait patiently. My 11 year old self looks forward to holding the results of you hard work. Thanks again for all the hard work you and your team put in.
In Gratitude,
Thank you Chris for the kind updates here and for your patience fielding our inquiries. We are all very excited for the upcoming release (feeding frenzy!) Have a great holiday season.
Thank you Chris! Hang in there! Keep up the amazing work! I’ll keep waiting like Ralphie waiting for his Secret Decoder Ring!
-Illegitimi non carborundum
Is the show unit ( the one at the 2021 sci-fi convention) for sale
Dave may have stumbled upon a way to infuse the project with more operating capitol… Auctioning off the show unit and any other prototypes you guys may have. Dave (and me too) can’t be the only ones who would pay way more than the target price for one of those. Just saying, something to think about over a pint or two.
Past 1 Feb. Update please (even if it is no change).
v/r Mike
Mike, there is no change, but we are still working hard on the last few tricky bits of the development. We get this sort of missive from the development team, and it sounds exactly like a Captain’s Log:
“We’ve discovered a possible issue with the main power supply buck-converter on the hood board. The root cause is still unknown but seems to be related to a change in the software that controls the external flash chip. Fixing the problem may require a redesign of the converter. Hopefully a minor one.”
So there you have it, another day another design issue to resolve.
Hi Chris,
Thank you for the update. It is appreciated.
Many thanks! That is a VERY interesting look behind the technical curtain and MUCH appreciated. As I read the technical blurb, I added Shatner’s voice in my brain and it most certainly sounded like a log entry, then…SCENE – ENTERPRISE is in orbit around planet TRICORDIA in the WAND system. Cut to bridge. KIRK: “Scotty, what’s the status of on the buck converter problem?” SCOTTY: “We’re throwing everything but the kitchen sink at it Captain.” KIRK: “Mr. Scott, I need that problem fixed and soon. Redesign it if you have to but make it a minor one. The natives are restless.” SCOTTY: “Aye Sir, we’ll do what we can.” BONES: Damnit Jim, you can’t just redesign something overnight.” KIRK: Doctor, the development process is pretty tricky but I have faith they will once again…..do the impossible. You should have more faith Bones!” BONES: “I’m a Doctor Jim, not a developer.” END SCENE.
Thanks again!
v/r Mike
Fantastic update on pre-production! Any idea of when pre-ordering will start?
Don’t you just have to send it through the transporter using a modified “Heisenberg” compensator set to 10% over maximum? I’m pretty sure that would solver you problems. If not I’m sure Gary Seven and Scotty could get it done in no time. I don’t have their contact information, but I’m sure someone on this blog must have it. Keep us posted.
And thanks.
what’s next? suggesting isis and sylvia have a cat fight?
Would that be streaming or on pay-per-view? Please don’t tell me I have to go through Ticketmaster, unless they some how managed to do a live and in-person event. I’d pay more than I should to see that one.
they are booked through lord garth and comapny
I can’t believe I missed that pun. I must be a little slow, I forgot Sylvia did turn her self into a cat. That could be a good match, but if she was in her original form (the one that looked sort of like a chicken) she’d get eaten alive by Isis.
How goes the buck converter problem? Any news on production timelines? Inquiring minds wish to know. It is the way.
v/r Mike
Given a choice I’d bet on the android version of Stella Mudd. If she can drive Harry Mudd into deep space, no little fembot would stand a chance.
It’s awesome to hear that the production of the first thirty pre-production units have started. It won’t be long now. Chris, thank you so much!
It was a nice surprise to receive the Tricorder update #17 email yesterday. Looking forward to more updates. Thanks!
This has come so far in the time you’ve been designing and perfecting it. One day, just put in a Raspberry PI with a Bluetooth / Wifi Driver and let us develop apps and devices for this amazing thing you’ve built.