(This short commemorative piece was first emailed on June 30 2022 to fans who had registered an interest in finding out more about our Tricorder.)
Like all Star Trek fans we were greatly saddened to hear that Greg Jein had passed away.
Despite being a legendary model-maker with near-mythical experience working on Star Trek props and collaborating with some of the greatest film directors, Greg was a quiet and unassuming person who was modest in every respect. We first had the honour of working with him when we met in Burbank to scan his famous Original Series Phaser hero prop, so that we could make our own accurate replica. Greg arrived with a smile, casually producing the priceless prop from the trunk of his VW sedan, stored in a cardboard box, wrapped in kitchen paper. He was kind, helpful, and generous with his time – he instantly made a big impression on us, and we grew to become friends.

Chris and Greg Jein at San Diego Comic Con 2014, discussing the first prototype Phaser resulting from our scanning session earlier that year
We kept in touch with Christmas cards and met again over the following few years, first to scan his Communicator and then again most recently in November 2019 to laser scan his Tricorder prop. At the time, we had no idea how long the development of this complex product would take or that now, as we get close to going into production, Greg would never get to see the result of the invaluable help he gave us.

Greg sits calmly watching the 3D laser scanning of his Original Series Tricorder prop at the start of our journey to recreate this iconic piece.
It’s not often that you get to meet one of your heroes and spend so much quality time with them in a shared passion. Greg Jein was one of a kind and will be deeply missed.
Fans who register with us will be the first to read our news and the progress of this exciting Tricorder development and, later, where and when to purchase it. You can catch up with the story so far here on this blog, but if you haven’t already done so, why not register your interest in the Tricorder – you’ll then receive a personalised registration certificate and early access to these updates (before we publish them on our website).
This is very sad news, tempered by the fact that you guys still seem to be at it, after being dark so long. On the balance, a plus.
My deepest condolences to his family for such a profound loss.
I was a friend to the late Mark Leonard, so I do know how you guys feel about Greg and it saddens me he has passed. His legend will live on with all of us.
I remember seeing Mark Leonard speak at a Star Trek convention in Oakland, California, I believe in 1976 when I was 12 years old. Good memories. How kind of him to participate in an event which I and so many other youngsters loved.
So looking forward to the Wand version of the Tricorder. My only fear is that I’ll be paying for the Tricorder on the same day I’m paying for the DieCast TOMY Enterprise
Feel ya bro. Lol Can’t wait though!
LOL Yeah me too! I am already paying on the Enterprise, I think we both are.
Very sad news indeed.
My condolences to Greg’s family and friends.
A big loss to the entire Star Trek family. Pipe the sides, Plank Owner, going ashore. God Speed. Greg Jein, Fair Winds and Following Seas.
Are there any new updates that can be shared on the status of the tricorder?
None right now, other than we are at the third round of engineering production samples and still ironing out some last minute mechanical issues and refining the UI function.
Sounds like progress, but it doesn’t sound like there will be a Tricorder under the Christmas tree this year
Hi Chris,
Thank You for answering back
I too have been anxiously waiting for the Tricorder
I was hoping to get it / them for Christmas
Please do update us when you can
Michael F
Perhaps an update blog on the UI?
Hi, this is a blessing in disguise. I bought the Tomy Enterprise and I need some time to recoup funds!
Hi Chris,
Any 2023 Updates you can share with us?
Anxiously awaiting completing my Landing party set:
The Wand Company Phaser: “check”
The Wand Company Communicator: “check”
The Wand Company Tricorder: “TBD”
1/16/23!! Any news on when the tricorder will be ready? Before or after spring??
Has the Tricorder project been abandoned? It’s been so long since we have heard anything. Can you please send an update notifying us of the status? Even a short one to say it’s been canceled, or that it’s still coming, but requires more time. It seems that all the energy around the Tricorder has died, except in the hearts of the fans, who would love to complete their away mission kits.
Best regards,
Mark M.
Wand Company – The lack of information about the status of this project is beyond disappointing. Will it happen or will it not?
Jason, there is loads of information out there about our progress; you just have to look for it. Apart from the various answer right here in this blog to the various comments about what the progress is, you can also find another answer here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/468336335426/permalink/10167851446550427/. Alternatively, if you email us, then we will reply, although due once again to the fact that we have nothing new to say, you will get our stock reply, that is… “We continue to work on the project and are doing our best to make it a great product”.
The development has turned out to be very complex… in fact more complex than we ever imagined… and thus it is taking us longer thatn we had planned to develop the tricorder we know you want us to release. I’m sorry that we have to coontinue to ask for a little more patience, but as we keep saying, a little more patience is needed, and we hope to be able to say something concrete soon. However, as software and hardware design is a bit of a dark cave of new and ‘exciting’ trials and tribulations, until we are sure we have something worth saying, we will not be releasing any more information.
There is LOADS of information out, all you have to do is LOOK for it? Really? Thought by signing up for email notifications those who did would receive information without having to LOOK for it.
…which, Chris, in itself actually is a brilliant status report!
I am fully satisfied with it, and having read it, I know how to mitigate my expectations.
For those of us who will have no truck with META’s products — I am fairly sure I am not alone — perhaps you might want to consider just posting, basically, those two paragraphs (or a slightly more elaborate version, if you’ve posted one e.g. behind the Facebook link you provided) as an official Update #17?
Any chance the The Wand Company Phaser will ever have a re-issue ?
Hi Chris and TWC team, I hope things are still moving along on the Tricorder front, I’m not chasing any updates, just wishing you all well and looking forward in anticipation of a great product. I hope the project hasn’t become too overwhelmingly Herculean a task, it would be tragic if all your wonderful, exquisite work on this project to date ended up coming to naught.
In gratitude and with best wishes,
David A.
Greetings Chris and team, I wanted to express my thanks and support for your ongoing efforts to bring the TOS Tricorder to market without compromising your vision or quality standards. Few people understand the challenges of product development and the delays that can occur. They also fail to realize that the frustration they feel in waiting for a promised product to come to market is nothing compared to the frustration of the product-maker in dealing with parts shortages, shipping delays, cost overruns, etc.
Everyone eagerly awaiting a Wand Company Tricorder should appreciate the fact that you don’t take “pre-orders” for “vaporware” that never materializes. Everyone reading these comments is probably quite familiar with the various disreputable companies I am referring to. I am happy to wait as long as it takes, secure in the knowledge that once the Tricorder is made available, it will be in stock and ready to ship and will be another outstanding reproduction of an iconic Star Trek prop.
Thanks for your support… more information coming very soon! the wait for an update is very nearly over
Good to know…..dying for some news.
Thanks for the most recent update, and best of luck moving the project forward to completion!
Well said. As fans and sci-fi enthusiasts we also realise that wand company products are first class. I don’t mind waiting for the finished product.
Good to know. Dying for some updates over here.
The Wand Company – Are there plans to have a handheld scanner with the tricorder? Upon reviewing all 17 updates, there is no mention of the handheld scanner. Just curious.
Chris Barnado has stated there is no intention for TWC producing a hand scanner. Happily, there are many third-party options which should fit in the lower compartment.
Best. Mike.
However, we have designed the lower compartment to accommodate a hand scanner. So for fans that have one or want to make one, then there is space for it and moveable internal fixtures that can be correctly positioned to secure it.
Mike, Chris,
Thanks for the reply! I do have a scanner from Diamond Select, however, there is room for improvement.