Tricorder update #20 – Tested – Chris shows Adam the tricorder

(This article was first emailed on May 28th, 2024 to fans who had registered an interest in finding out more about our Tricorder.)

Your patience continues to be appreciated as we complete the tricorder development. Right now we are putting the finishing touches to the software and getting all the regulatory approvals and type testing completed so that we can move into full production.

By now, of course, we have a handful of finished tricorders that we are using, playing with, and generally testing, pushing their functions to see if we can expose any software kinks that need smoothing out, or if there are any last-minute improvements we think we can make to the tricorder and the way it feels.

At this point we had originally planned to put a video or series of short videos together to show our progress, show you the fit and finish of the final production mechanicals and explore some of the features with you, but then the chance of doing an interview with Adam Savage of Tested came up.

Tested is based in San Francisco, so not exactly around the corner for a UK-based team. However, the draw of visiting the Savage Shop, otherwise known as “The Cave”, and showing Adam and folks at Tested the current preproduction tricorder, and thus at the same time giving you a peek at how close we are to going into full production, was an opportunity we couldn’t really pass up.

Adam and Norm were both very keen to explore the tricorder and get to grips with some of its functions.

San Francisco is a lovely city and Adam and Norm and the whole Tested team could not have been more welcoming. Visiting the Cave and being physically immersed in the myriad of glorious prop and replica builds that ooze from every pore of the place was such a real buzz for me.

A big thank you also to Jeromy Warner of YourGeekFix. Jeromy is one of the kindest and smartest guys I know and it was totally with his help we fixed up the Tested trip. I guess could tell you all about the interview and show more pictures, but really, that would spoil the fun of watching the interview for yourself.

Watch Chris showing Adam around the tricorder on the Tested (here) Enjoy!



Coming next time

Close up photos of the tricorder

Fans who register with us will be the first to read our news and the progress of this exciting Tricorder development and, later, where and when to purchase it. You can catch up with the story so far here on this blog, but if you haven’t already done so, why not register your interest in the Tricorder – you’ll then receive a personalised registration certificate and early access to these updates (before we publish them on our website).

121 thoughts on “Tricorder update #20 – Tested – Chris shows Adam the tricorder

    1. Jerome Wheeler

      What will be the price point for the Tricorder? I would like to purchase 4 of them if possible. Will you have a limit number amount on the available purchase? How soon can we expect the Tricorder to hit the market?

  1. Rich Tavalare

    This could be the quintessential piece of Star Trek gear anyone could ever own. So thrilled to hear Adam Savage was tapped to give it a run through.

    Awaiting its release with sheer joy and excitement.

    So happy you all have persevered and are bringing this product to market.

    1. Robert H

      I’ve been registered for at least 3 years, and it’s soooo been worth it. The engineering is amazing.

  2. Duane Letourneau

    Well done, friends. This is a giant leap toward having a Tricorder in my hands. Thank you.

  3. JiminSTLouis

    Great video Chris! I noticed no sound effects were demonstrated. I’m sure the classic Tricorder scanner sound is included… right? Also, can the moire backlight be turned off?

    Looking forward to pre-order!


    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      The scanning audio will be included and there will be a way of viewing the moiré without the backlight

      1. Arthur

        Is there going to be a cool display to go along with the scanning sound? I noticed the video showed every kind of display except the tricorder’s main function as a scanning device.

        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          The scanning sound will be able to be activated when the grey screen mode is used, for the fully authentic prop replica experience and also when the reicorder is scanning for EM radiation for the more idealised functional feel.

  4. Rick

    I actually panicked when I saw the title of this video, I was sure you had started preorders, and I missed my notification! Turns out your blog update notification on May 29th ended up in my junk mail… I just placed the entire domain in my safe senders list and might get into the habit of checking my junk mail folder daily, just to be safe.

    Awesome to see the functional, near-production tricorder and Adam’s fanboying reaction, but please, no more scares like that.

    1. Jeff K

      I panicked as well……the blog update went to my Junk Folder. How does one place the entire wand company domain to the safe senders list?

      1. Rick

        Sorry for the delayed response, I didn’t receive a notice my post had been replied to.

        Adding a domain to your safe senders list varies by mail client… I’d suggest Googling something like “whitelist domain safe senders list” and include your mail client name in the search.

        In my case, I use the latest Windows 11 Outlook client and it’s found at:

        “Settings” (click the gear icon in the top title bar) > “Mail” > “Junk Email” > “Safe senders and domains”

        Once there, you can click “+Add” under the “Safe senders and domains” heading and, rather than entering a full email address, just enter the domain:

        Hope that helps.

  5. Rick

    Also, please, no more line-cutting by bigger more, culturally current properties. I already pre-ordered my Fallout Pip-Boy and cannot wait for it to arrive, but it was really disappointing to see it sneaking in ahead of my Tricorder.

    I know, it’s probably different production folks behind the scenes, etc., and I love you guys, but it’s not a good look to us whiny, temperamental fan-boys-and-girls.

  6. Thorsten Wulff

    I just watched the video, great job and fantastic product Chris!
    The 7 year old me is extremely happy ;))

    All the best from Berlin,

  7. Dan Korzun

    WOW!!! What more can i say? I can say I’m jealous and I wish i was there too. the video and the reactions was just amazing. I’ve never been so eager to give someone my money (for pre order I mean). Thanks for the update.

  8. Eric Cheung

    I love that the video said “this year” in terms of the release date. Has the price point changed?

    1. Michael Bastraw


      On another unboxing video on YouTube, Chris stated that the price will be $350 USD and that he doesn’t expect it to be any higher than that.

      Best. Mike.

  9. Robert Wojciechowski

    Great video showing the Tricorder with Adam Savage! I cannot wait until they are available.

  10. Michael Bastraw

    To Whom:

    One of the pleasant surprises from the videos is that it appears that TWC did away with the “lift gate” over the disc array to allow passage. The fewer moving parts the better, right?

    Best. Mike.

  11. Mike Callender

    The quality of the machine cuts to the leather case is above and beyond what I thought was even possible. When they moved the display around to be able to see from the top down….my jaw dropped. Simply the greatest recreation of any prop I have ever seen,

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      thanks, wait till you see it in real life and hold it, it is a thing of beauty and extremely accurate to the original we scanned.

  12. Roger Wright

    Fantastic news. I watched the video and it is clear that love went into the creation of this epic prop. I cannot wait to get one!

  13. Rich C

    So much to love in your latest TOS addition but what personally makes me cringe is the ratcheting cover as you open the Tricorder! Should be smooth until the open position, then maybe another notch for the extreme open position, not as many as I see and hear when I saw you swivel the hood in the Tested video. The screen used Tricorder hood always smoothly opened and closed. Otherwise, this is really phenomenal product you are creating for us nerds!

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Pity that makes you cringe… we had to work really hard on getting that exactly right. The idea of that was so that the user could stop it in any one of the positions that were seen on the show. Of course if you want, when you get it you can always take it apart and remove the other detents with a knife, and leave only the one that you want. In the show it flops around all over the place.

  14. Andrew Hargett

    Love watching the progress and enjoy the updates! Like everyone else I have been waiting for this amazing piece of Trek-nology to be completed and ready for sale.

    Keep up the great work and looking forward to the next update.

  15. Steven B

    I noticed in the video that there was a “disc override” feature, will we be able to access that if we wish not to need to remove a disc every time to change features?

  16. Aureliano Sanchez-Arango

    Chris, you guys have really hit this out of the park. I’ve been giddy about it since yesterday morning when I saw the first video. Finally I will own the full “Field Exploration Set” of my dreams! I’m having such a fanboy frisson!!!!!!!

  17. JEFF

    A bit disappointed that I didn’t get the advance email newsletter despite registering numerous times. Hopefully I won’t be pushed to the back of the line when preordering.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Sorry to hear this. Have you tried putting The Wand Company on your white list or perhaps you could get yourself a free gmail address and asking us via to alter one of your registrations (gmail addresses don’t tend to bounce our newsletters). Unfortunately we have no control over whether your email is bounced by your ISP or other settings you might have at your end. When it comes to preordering, we will send out an email to all those who have registered, before we make the information available more generally, so if you are not receiving our emails, that could be an issue for you.

      1. Jeff

        Hi Chris,

        Thank you for your response. You were correct…after digging through my junk mail folder I found the newsletter….so many belated thanks!
        Previously the news letter came through so I am not sure why this one got redirected!

        I was thrilled when I came across the Youtube video of the unboxing.

        You have made my day, summer and year!


        Jeff Kim

  18. Brian S

    I was (pleasantly) surprised to see the “Archive” footage from “City on the Edge of Forever” are not merely static photo images, but are animated images. Are these video files, or something like a gif file – ie what is the file format for these animations?

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Thank you. The format is mjpeg rather than an mpeg. This works very well for us and the processor is fast enough to serve up the images one after the other at a good frame rate, but this method is not so go for syncing sound, so it is good that the clip doesn’t require that.

      1. Brian S

        Thanks for that info! Already thinking about modding, since it appears the sd reader is still built into the Tricorder. So is helpful to know the file formats the Tricorder is currently capable of handling. 🙂

    2. Dale Smith

      Watched the video in America what a fantastic and beautiful piece of kit the wand company are second to none i know it’s been a while but class is worth waiting for love the leather cover and the discs with the water on are brilliant can’t wait to get mine not long now

  19. Jeff K

    On the show there was a high-pitched wavering whistle but only when the tricorder is in an environmental scanning mode.

    Was your team able to incorporate this effect?

    Thanks for everything!

  20. Jeff K

    I recall reading somewhere that the unit also functions as a radio (FM?) …can someone confirm this?

    Chris did say “leather” but he didn’t say “genuine” leather
    Nowadays leather could mean PU Leather. I’d be happy with either…(but genuine leather would be over-the-top amazing, but probably driving the cost up.

  21. Jim M

    Fantastic preview, Chris. Hats off to the whole Wand team and thanks for sharing.

    Looking back at previous updates, I’m intrigued by the SD card. In addition to updating the system, could it also be a way to play back your own mjpeg images? Or perhaps that is future functionality. A looping media slideshow function would be amazing for display.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Thanks for your kind words. Yes this is a remote possibility and when we built the micro SD card hardware into the hood it was intended that we might be able to use this port to add content. The project has taken so long and used up so much of our resource, that we are going to pause when the product is in production and take stock of what we want to do next with the team responsible for developing it. We have other projects that we would like to work on. But depending on the success of the sales side of the equation, we may consider further, post production work to enable some new features… we’ll see, that’s all I can say on that one. But for now we are focusing on getting it past all its testing and into production and into fans hands and that means prioritising what is necessary for that to happen

  22. Rich

    Chris, You and your team have knocked this Tricorder out of the park, for sure!

    A question about the archive function – will there be a possibility or way to stream or store other video clips of our own choosing?
    I am aware that playback does not include audio but can external video be fed through the rear usb port?
    Again, this product is incredible!!!

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Right now, we are not planning to make it so that you can stream your own videos on it. For the fan, the USB port will for the time being be used solely for charging.

  23. Aureliano Sanchez-Arango

    Will we be paying at the point of pre-order, or later when it’s ready to ship? Asking for a friend… :p

  24. George T

    Very glad that you chose to do the unveiling on Tested. It was very entertaining to see Adam Savage giddy with the delight we will all feel when we have this piece of art in our hands. I applaud your decision to go beyond canon to create an idealized scientific device with far more functionality than what was depicted on screen. I particularly liked the 180 degree screen rotation feature. It is clear, as you pointed out, that Nimoy held the prop in a way that made it impossible for him to see the screen but was more visually interesting to the audience. Considering how expensive these were with the limited budget, the studio obviously wanted to show off their investment. McCoy held the tricorder with the screen facing him usually because he was viewing the readings transmitted by his medical scanner. I remember an episode where Chekov held the tricorder flat, with the base pointed in the direction of where he wanted to scan as though there were a active scanning array in the base. I always assumed the orientation depended on the kind of scanning you were doing.

    Chris, I quite enjoyed getting to “meet” one of the masterminds behind the brilliant Wand Company recreations. I am eagerly awaiting the notification that production has begun and the Tricorder is ready for purchase. I wager you and the team will take a well-deserved holiday after the successful conclusion of this remarkable endeavor. I wish you continued success and look forward to seeing you expand your product line with more outstanding recreations.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Thank you for your lovely message and kind words. Yes, if you look at our blog post 11 ( you can see a montage of various members of the crew holding the tricorder in pretty much all the ways you can hold it. As far a taking a holiday is concerned… we do take holidays, but doing work like this, however hard it gets is always very rewarding and we never really take a break from it as there are always new challenges and there are so many things that we would like to do.

  25. Graham H

    Chris, I would very much like to thank you and your team for making this as accurate as it is and helping us kids of the 60s and 70s bring our dreams to reality.

    I would also like to personally thank you for taking your time and not rushing this.

    I can finally report that by doing so, “Operation Syphon” has been a complete success and the fund’s subsequently squirreled away unnoticed by Mrs H.

    I cannot wait to spend my ill gotten gains on this masterpiece.

  26. Brian S

    Hi Chris,

    So enjoyed the reveal of the Tricorder, I didn’t want to rain on the parade, as it were, with any questions pertaining to odd issues. Specifically, I notice you’ve changed the colors on the discs so that they no longer “mostly match the helm switch bank”. After all that original discussion and the happy change to the “helm switch bank” coloring, what prompted this decidedly noticeable reversal?

  27. Peter Briggs

    Hi, Chris

    You mention possible future capability of the SD card slot.

    What can the SD card slot do now, on the current about-to-be-released production model? Can it read or write, and if so what is capable of being displayed?

    You mention above “possible” future use for the SD card slot. What’s the potential for rewriting the hardware, and to what? Should the budget allow? Is it possible you could release a “Developer Kit” to the fan community that would (at their own risk to their tricorder, obviously!) allow fans to home-cook capabilities?

    One last question: are there ANY panels from the series that might be sneaky Easter Eggs in there? I know this isn’t a medical tricorder, but I’m sure we’d all love to have the Sickbay monitor and sound effects on the screen. And just to break reality, a possible future L-Cars in there? (Remember when Dax took a identical vintage tricorder back in time in “Trials And Tribbleations” in DS9? It’s possible you could have Sisko’s Logs in there, and some sneaky Dax future screen L-Cars scanning of the Tribbles in Station K-7, too!)

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      We’d love to and we haven’t ruled it out, but we would like to get the Tricorder over the liner first and see how the market looks once that is out there.

  28. David Snow

    Chris and Team, thank for the realization of a dream come true. A dear friend of mine had the Communicator and the Phaser but passed away, I so want to purchase your Tricorder in MIKE COPE’s honor. Loved your videos and am excited for the release.

  29. Aureliano Sanchez-Arango

    I’m curious, what kind of plastic are you using for the tricorder body? I’m wondering if it’s some sort of high-impact stuff (not that I have any intention of banging mine against anything)? Inquiring minds want to know (or “enquiring” on your side of the pond)!

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      We are using ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), an opaque thermoplastic. It is an amorphous polymer comprised of three monomers, acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene. ABS is a standard high-quality engineering injection moulding thermoplastic, known for its impact resistance and detail fidelity.

      1. Aureliano Sanchez-Arango

        Wow, thanks for such a fulsome answer! I suspected it might be ABS; it seems like the logical choice, to coin a phrase. You guys seem to be doing everything right! I can’t wait to get mine!

  30. Lou D

    Greetings Chris,

    The tricorder testing/demo video is absolutely brilliant.
    Kudos to you and the entire team for the time and effort to produce this wonderful prop replica.
    It’s clear from your past updates, and this video, that a HUGE amount of love for Trek, props and Trek collectors went into the project.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Thank you for your kind words, we are beyond excited that it is finally moving into production.

  31. Synbios

    Will we be able to order more than one?

    Also, do you think there are plans to deviate from TOS and perhaps visit another era of trek technology?

    Perhaps a DS9 Voyager or TNG Tricorder or Phaser? It’d be awesome to think you have future plans.

    Great job on the Tricorder, it looks amazing. Well worth the wait.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Yes you will. We understand that some fans will want one for display and one to use, or might be buying another one as a gift for someone else. However, we will closely monitor the number purchased by each person so as to make sure there are enough to go around.

  32. Scott Haubert

    This looks amazing and I love the detail you’ve put into the captains logs and other features on the screen. I’d love to access the captains logs and other features in a more mobile format. Do you have any plans for a cell phone app containing the same sound bytes and screens?

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      For now at least, the 203 Captain’s Logs and the 30 other assorted logs will only be available on the Tricorder as covered by our license. We will however have a detailed listing of them on a special web page that will help Tricorder owners find the logs that they particularly want to listen to, although this webpage will not have associated audio.

  33. Brian S

    Hi Chris

    Since production hasn’t started yet, does that mean the disc colors haven’t been updated yet to the “helm switch bank” colors, as Blog #7 said they would be changed to? Or was a decision made to scrap the “helm switch bank” colors for somewhat more candy-colored variations of the original colors you had chosen (only dropping the purple and the dark grey of those original non-canon colors)?

    In other words, is this what we are getting with the final product, or are we getting the “helm switch bank” colors that we were told and shown we would be getting? If the former, what happened?

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Brian, Thanks for the question. I note you asked twice. I wasn’t ignoring you, it’s just that some questions are hard to answer than others and when I have to devote time to answering difficult questions it takes me away from writing the manual, which is needed for the regularity testing, and without which, I am holding up the project, preventing it from moving to the next stage of production.

      Our goal is to make the tricorder as faithful the the original intent and series as possible. So with that in mind, we haven’t just changed the colours without proper consideration. The issue with the colours is fourfold. Firstly, videos and digital cameras tend to over saturate colours in order to make the image look brighter (even wet film cameras produced images with wildly different colour balance from depending on which film stock was used and the ambient lighting conditions at the time the photo was taken). In fact as we know from issues over making Spock’s face green, films were also adjusted to try and get the colour balance right, thus further affecting the fidelity of colour translation from set to screen. Secondly, image colour can look very different depending on which monitor you happen to be viewing the resultant image. Thirdly, and probably most importantly, we have had to adjust the colours to get the best spread for our colour sensing LED sensor arrangement, in order to reduce or attempt to eliminate false results when the discs are inserted. And so, finally, as can be seen when we were being filmed by the Tested crew, the look of colours is wholly depending on the ambient light and the angle from which they are viewed. From one angle the red of the red disc looks pale, almost pinky orange, and then when the camera cuts to a different angle, the red looks instantly much richer, like a different colour in fact. These perceptual issues ripple all the way through from the Original Series footage to the way we have imaged the product prototypes, to what we can actually achieve with the sensing arrangement we have. I have taken another photo of the discs and adjusted each of the colours in Photoshop on my colour balanced monitor to get them as close as possible to the colours I am seeing with my eyes, given my digital camera brightened each colour considerably. The colours are fixed now after months of tuning with our Tricorder’s in built colour detector. However, due to the technical challenge of detecting the subtle difference between the colours with the components we can afford to put into the Tricorder, each one will have to be calibrated in the factory when it is made, due to variations in the actual sensor components themselves.

      Now back to manual writing. 😉

      real tricorder disc colours

      1. Aureliano Sanchez-Arango

        Hi Chris,

        I realize that some fans are very invested in the disk colors being perfectly faithful to the switch bank colors (whatever they really were), but I’m just jazzed that the disks are all removable, let alone functional. Awesome!

      2. JiminSTLouis

        Great answer Chris. I would suggest stepping away from the blog and answering questions and keep with the important work.

        Thanks for all the effort you and the team are putting into the Tricorder!

      3. Brian S

        Hi Chris –

        Thanks for taking the extra time to make that thorough explanation. Your efforts are truly appreciated. “We have had to adjust the colours to get the best spread for our colour sensing LED sensor arrangement, in order to reduce or attempt to eliminate false results when the discs are inserted” certainly explains why you essentially went back to the original color selections from the change you had made to those colors (aka from the “helm switch bank” colors). I had been under the impression that the apparently ‘subtlety different’ “switch” colors had been selected/tested for your “sensor arrangement” before you informed us of their use in place of those original colors (which I seem to recall was indicated as the reason, at the time, for why the new colors were variants of the “switch” colors, rather than a closer hewing to them). But if using the “switch” colors with the chosen “sensor arrangement” actually produced “false results”, then that would certainly explain why you chose not to use those advertised new colors after all. I’m sorry to hear those “sensor components” of the “in built colour detector” are so finicky that “each one will have to be calibrated in the factory”. But I appreciate Wand doing the extra (manual?) work to make certain the Tricorder functions as advertised. 🙂

        Good luck with the manual and the “regularity testing”.

  34. eric kralicek

    Thank you, Chris, for your detailed answers and consistent patience with our tricorder obsessions.

  35. Aureliano Sanchez-Arango

    I did a fun little calculation today. The Master Replicas tricorder came out in 2004 and went for $349 (according to Memory Alpha). Adjusting for inflation, that’s $580.25 in today’s dollars (using an online inflation calculator). So if the Wand Company product goes for $350, we’re still getting a great bargain–1/3 lower price for vastly more capability. Shut up and take my money!!

      1. Chris Barnardo Post author

        right now, it is very unlikely to have an FM radio, even though initially we would have liked to have that functionality.

  36. David Decherd

    I never lost faith that you would finally come through with this ambitious project (Well, not entirely. And not for long.) I’m so looking forward to finally receiving the preorder notification but now have a creeping dread: How many units will be available for preorder? Will my notification email go unnoticed for a day, just long enough to be closed out?! Will I log onto the preorder, only to be blocked out by an overloaded server?!! Will my bank refuse the order for some esoteric reason in the name of “security?!!!” Too many variables, too little sleep!!!!

    (Great job, guys.)

  37. Stephen Fugate

    Will the tricorder have any scanning sounds? Thank you so very much for taking your time with this AWESOME product and making it perfect. It was well worth the wait and I really appreciate the amount of realism and exactness you are putting in to this tricorder. A masterpiece!!

  38. Ken Kolasny

    I didn’t see this in the comments here… but is the backlighting on the moire pattern something that can be turned off? I like the idea of it, but it’s still just bugging me.
    Truly great work here! Thank you.

  39. Phil Alexander

    Watch the couple of videos about the Tricorder – looks really great.

    I’ve of course registered – the waiting is worse than childbirth
    Here’s hoping it won’t be too long


    Chris, I love the planetary database. Is there consideration for including planets from the original series? I can see how there might be licensing and storage considerations, though again, perhaps the SD card provides some future proofing for additional storage. With a developer framework and addressable storage, fans could create their own tech manuals and other media, and/or Wand could create its own marketplace for tricorder content. Just saying. :-]

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      We did think this was a good idea to start with, but we couldn’t be sure at all of getting accurate images of each planet that, a) we could license, b) that we wouldn’t have fans arguing over if we’d got it wrong or used the wrong image etc., c) we didn’t think we could get the full set if planetary stats together for each of the alien planets, thus leaving gaps in the data or leaving us the unenviable task of fabricating the information, and finally, d) we couldn’t be sure to get a list of Star Trek planets that everyone was happy with… I mean who would thank us for missing out their favourite xeno-world, so we abandoned the idea.

  41. Donald Wilson

    To Chris and your Team: Mere words cannot express my admiration of your attention to detail, ingenuity, imagination and persistence on the Tricorder. It’s so rare these days (and even in the past) that any company would take the lengths and patience to do what you guys have done. The recent releases on YouTube where you showcased the nearly finished product for us really paid off to alleviate any doubts about whether or not we’d be seeing this realized. It’s far exceeded what you did with the Phaser and Communicator so I really must say how much your efforts are appreciated. This will definitely “bookend” the trifecta of the Star Trek products that you produced as well as provide me with a nice addition to my collection to be enjoyed for years to come. I’ve collected Star Trek memorabilia and props over many, many years with a kind of discern based on what really appeals as well as affordability. Wand Company has always been extremely reasonable in affordability as well as excelled in the appeal aspect. I’m anxious to get my pre-order in as soon as you guys say so. I just wanted to thank you and your team for going above and beyond as you have on this. It really shows!

    1. Greg Parrish

      What a pleasure to read your post, I too am looking forward to owning this piece of Star Trek history.

  42. John Johnson

    Any idea when the pre-order will start? Truly a fantastic product, thank you to all involved!

  43. Daniel U.

    I have worked (modifications and repairs) on a lot of tricorders.
    I want to buy two of this extraordinary tricorder. I can’t wait to receive them.
    I hope that the production will start very soon. I would have added more Lcars animations.

  44. Niraj N

    Hi, I really loved seeing all the features in the video and can’t wait to get my hands on one later this year, hopefully. I did have one doubt and it was regarding whether the strap can be removed from the tricorder or not. The reason for this question is it would be a lot easier to keep the tricoder in a showcase with the stand when the strap is removed.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      The strap can be removed, but better to coil it up and make it part of the display. Maybe lightly tack it in its coiled up shape with some rubber adhesive, which can easily be removed later, After all the strap is an integral part of the Tricorder replica.

  45. Phil Alexander

    Guys I absolutely understand the desire to add more or tweet or retweet the Tricorder but I’m nearly 70 and fear this may never actually go into production before I head to the great planet in the sky…

    It’s fab as it is and I’m sure a second generation could be produced at sometime – so I’m all for ASAP production

  46. JiminSTLouis

    @Chris Barnardo

    Will you be sharing pictures or video from SDCC? It would also be a great venue for a release date announcement.

    Here’s hoping!


    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      The Energize Lounge is hosting us at 10am, 3pm, and 7pm each day for an up close and personal chat/demonstration about the Tricorder. Andrew Stockdale and James Thomas (the guys most responsible for the mechanical design and software respectively) will be showing off a preproduction Tricorder at these times. There will also be one permanently on display in the Energize Lounge. Fans who are present for any of those sessions will able to take photos and video and I am sure some of them will be posting online.

  47. Bill D

    @Chris Barnardo

    For the audio function, can the tricorder detect sound at or beyond the audible range? Just asking, no changes! lol

    I’ve watched both the Tested and YourGeekFix videos many, many times and I am just blown away. It’s beautiful and I can’t wait.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      The audio function is set to respond to audio in the audible range. The Tricorder’s audio analyser uses a system-in-package (SIP) electro-acoustic transducer housing a micro-electro- mechanical system (MEMS) sensor with an application- specific integrated circuit (ASIC) to measure the ambient sound levels. The main microcontroller uses a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to convert the sound waveform into the frequency domain and plot the spectrum on the Tricorder’s display. Very roughly, we are currently planning for it to measure the ambient sound spectrum energy from 100 Hz to 12 kHz displaying sound energy from 10 dB to 100 dB, although the exact representation may change slightly depending on a few factors.

      1. Bill D.

        Thanks Chris. To be honest…I understood the last sentence. For the rest, I felt like Cyrano Jones in “The Trouble with Tribbles”. “Well of cour…What did you say?” After looking everything up…all I can say is that’s so cool! Thanks again for the reply and the peek inside. Beautiful. I’m thankful for every single Poke Ball.

  48. Lou

    I know I am late to the game and I haven’t had a chance to read all of the comments from the many blogs but has any consideration been given to future enhancements to Tricoder? I say “future” because I wouldn’t want to add anything at this juncture that would require delays to deliver schedule. In particular I am thinking about the addition of McCoys “Medical Scanner”. What I am thinking is this would be a great add on later that comes with its own disk that you can insert into the Tricorder when using the Medical Scanner. It could show the biology of many of the different alien species that were encounter during the missions. Since the Medical Scanner has distinct sound it may be possible to have this linked to the audio recorder. When the recorder hears this, it can compare with saved sound spectrum which would be stored on the new disk. If it is the same then the screen can show the layout of the overhead bio-bed layout as seen on the show or maybe the smaller version something like what was seen in Tricorder closeup in the Plato Stepchildren.

    If this has already been mentioned all my apologies

  49. Dan Korzun

    It’s been mentioned several times by different people (but none of them Wand Company personnel), that advanced sales would open this summer. Has there been any official announcement yet regarding advanced sales, and is it likely to be this summer? .

    1. JiminSTLouis

      Dan, TWC posted this on FB in response to a summer pre-order date.

      Maggie, We’re trying, and we were hoping for that too, but various regulatory tests took longer than expected and threw up some small changes that we have had to implement which has once again pushed things back by a month or two… very frustrating, but we move forwards to manufacture

      1. eric

        Hi JiminSTLouis,

        Thanks for the update. It has been a long and winding road, however, as you can see, there are a lot of people holding on and showing their loyalty supporting your project. Having both communicator and phaser; the quality you thrive to achieve is worth the wait. I’ll keep my eyes open and my hope for a Tricorder in my hands before the end of this year. If not this year, then surely the next – the tested presentation shows that you are really close to a polished product.


  50. David DeLane Snow

    QUESTION: Wha kind of “real world interaction” will the Tricorder have? The Communicator – Bluetooth real telephone, Phaser – TV Remote. I believe there was mention somewhere about this product being able to “record” audio? (It would be neat to ‘upload’ pictures???

  51. Bill Hunt

    Here’s a practical question for you the team: How big will be the storage space for a hand scanner be–the internal dimensions of the space? Thank you in advance and great work to everyone involved!

  52. Louis

    I know I am late to the game and I haven’t had a chance to read all of the comments from the many blogs but has any consideration been given to future enhancements to Tricoder? I say “future” because I wouldn’t want to add anything at this juncture that would require delays to deliver schedule. In particular I am thinking about the addition of McCoys “Medical Scanner”. What I am thinking is this would be a great add on later that comes with its own disk that you can insert into the Tricorder when using the Medical Scanner. It could show the biology of many of the different alien species that were encounter during the missions. Since the Medical Scanner has distinct sound it may be possible to have this linked to the audio recorder. When the recorder hears this, it can compare with saved sound spectrum which would be stored on the new disk. If it is the same then the screen can show the layout of the overhead bio-bed layout as seen on the show or maybe the smaller version something like what was seen in Tricorder closeup in the Plato Stepchildren.
    If this has already been mentioned all my apologies

  53. Gabriel

    I can’t wait to send you my money! This is a realization of my childhood nostalgia dream item, and it looks like you’ve made it even more awesome than I would have imagined. Your products make the Diamond Select stuff look like a joke. Not to disparage them too much, they were decent for the launch price point and plenty good enough for simple cosplay… but the tricorder! That one was kinda weak. This looks like a masterpiece. I’ve got “check my email religiously anxiety” now!
    You and your team are going to be legendary when this comes out.

  54. Phil Alexander

    Hi Wand,
    I’m frustrated… I appreciate and admire what you’re doing. – very much…
    But are you saying you are surprised by regulatory tests delays. Please… this is not rocket science “under promise – over deliver” Not “keep promising but don’t deliver”
    It’s okay to keep tweaking and adding to the product – but when will you please deliver…. Sorry for the rant but for me (failing health) this is so looked forward too and you are always excusing why you can’t and not why you will
    Devoted frustrated loyal fan

  55. Jeff

    Its been 3 months since last update. If not ready to take orders, you can surely post the “closeup” photos by now??
    The wait and the once again radio silence is absolutely killing me!

  56. Jeff

    If not ready to take orders, you can surely post the “closeup” photos by now?? It’s only been 3 months since last update.
    The wait and the once again radio silence is absolutely killing me!

  57. John M.

    I registered four years ago and my old email address I cannot use. Registering again, I read I missed a lot of information. Knowing you are in the final testing phase is awesome. What is the purchase price?

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      John, please let me know your original registration email address and the new one and I will amend your original registration so that you keep your original registration date. Please email me on, referencing this exchnage, and I’ll reply after I have sorted out your registrations, thx

      1. David DeLane Snow

        David DeLane Snow
        Stardate 3007.6
        Chris Barnardo, hope my registration is still a valid record?


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