Tricorder update #22 – Close Up – The production tricorder up close and personal

(This article was first emailed on October 31st, 2024 to fans who had registered an interest in finding out more about our Tricorder.)

A handful of tricorders circulate amongst The Wand Company staff as the final software issues revealed by random button pressing and different usage styles get checked off and resolved. We love them. When they leave our desks to get programmed with the latest software we miss them; those crisp accurate lines, the calm retro-future way they keep time and constantly remind us what we love about making prop replicas.

Close-up of the tricorder with hood open.

Very soon you will join us in these daily delights. Sooner than that, we will start the countdown to pre-ordering as the final statutory tests are completed and the production line gets ready to start actually making tricorders in larger quantities.

Closeup of the tricorder grille.

Currently the start of production is set for December 28, 2024 (although that of course could change) and both Andrew and James (last seen in action at San Diego Comic-Con) are gearing up to go out to China just after Christmas to handhold the start of the manufacturing process. They will be there to make sure the tricorders are just how we want them to be as they start rolling off the production line.

Tricorder hood and upper door open.

Given the time taken to finish the tricorder, we plan to ship the first units from the factory to our warehouses in the UK and the US by air. Thus hopefully we will begin shipping them out to those customers that registered first by early February. More details on that arrangement to follow later.

Tricorder back view, showing USB-C charging port.

Tricorder closed three-quarter front view.

Tricorder leatherette transit case.

A triplet of tricorder removable function select discs close up.

For now, this is the briefest of newsletters to just to share some of the latest images of the finished tricorder.



Coming next time

The full tricorder manual

Fans who register with us will be the first to read our news and the progress of this exciting Tricorder development and, later, where and when to purchase it. You can catch up with the story so far here on this blog, but if you haven’t already done so, why not register your interest in the Tricorder – you’ll then receive a personalised registration certificate and early access to these updates (before we publish them on our website).

247 thoughts on “Tricorder update #22 – Close Up – The production tricorder up close and personal

    1. Rod Rosado

      Spock once said “having a thing is not so pleasant as wanting a thing, it’s not logical but is often true” I have been wanting this for a long time…

      1. Cary Cole

        Hi Chris, just curious, will there be other planets on the planetary disk such as Rigel IV and Ceti Alpha V? Also will you guys also make additional disks with other information such as Medical?
        Just a comment, and regardless of the comment I will still purchase 2 of them. But was it considered to make it here in the US? I realize you guys are making it affordable but I would have paid a couple hundred more for it to be made here. Again. That’s just me though. Can’t wait to get it!

      2. Chris O

        I too have been following the progress for quite a while, and having it will be far more pleasant than wanting it.

      3. Stephen Arti

        One of the hard things is, all of a sudden, Tricorders are very popular on E-Bay….Some of Them have been upgraded to different graphics, changeable discs etc.

        They know We’re waiting….

  1. Edward Ortiz

    I registered to get this back in July of 2020.
    I’m still interested in getting it to add to my Communicator and Phaser which I already purchased.

      1. Delane Snow

        I’m bad at math. $350 for the Tricorder. How much for shipping & Handling… taxes (I live in Texas)???
        (And hope my registration nice and safe too)

      2. Don Albares

        Having registered interest, does this mean we will automatically be able to pre-order once the green light is given?
        Thanks, Don

        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          Once we are ready to start shipping the Tricorder we will email the people that registered so that they can be the first to purchase it.

      1. Eric

        I checked again, my earliest registration shows 2022. Hopefully, I’ll be able to order mine with the rest of you.


    Tears in my eyes. Beyond impressed. It will be a cherished item of a show that was far more than a TV show.

  3. Jim Baker

    I believe I have two TC numbers, I have TC-37868 and TC- 277235, I forgot I had signed up for this back in 2020. Will this be a problem with the reorder when that begins? I am only looking to preorder 1.

  4. Ronald Seipel

    So i registered at the very beginning and saved it to a folder in my email but during the time my email went out and I no longer have the confirmation or the certificate so I’m hoping that you have it on file and if so would ,you please send it to me again thank you

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Ronald, you are still registered and we have the date of your registration, so don’t worry. But do white list us and look for the email in your spam folder. It was delivered to you Oct 31 at 3.28 pm

      1. Ronald Seipel

        Hi Chris , yes I did receive that email thank you . Looking forward to having the Tricorder in hand soon as it will complete my landing party gear from you guys.

      2. Scott Hauff

        Chris, Looks like I registered on 7/2/24…TC-245673. I have not seen any further updates in my emails though. Do you still have my info on file for pre-order? Scott

      3. Scott D Hauff

        Chris, I registered back on 7/2/24, TC-245673. I have not seen any further updates or newsletters. Do you have my info on file for pre-order? Thanks, Scott

  5. Michael Bastraw

    The clear “watch crowns” and backlit moiré are a bit jarring at first, but the palette flexibility and functionality more than make up for that. Your extra attention to the faux Kydex texture and data disc configuration has also paid off. The travel case is certainly a nice compromise to a hard shell one. The variety of your program content should help maintain the tricorder’s entertainment value beyond the first hour. Best. Mike.

    1. DeLane Snow

      I love the extra “options”: Turning the dics around IF you don’t want to see the etched text, turning the moire light off IF you don’t want it one, even the extra graphics not seen before TO ME. is an extra wow factor. AMAZING JOB!!! We are all excited about experiencing it in our hands, LOL and showing it off to those who are not in Starfleet!

  6. Jim M.

    What a marvelous device brought to life. As it’s essentially a mini computer platform, I’ll keep lobbying for extended functionality on the tricorder roadmap to allow for user content customization of image slideshows, motion sequences, etc. via the SD card slot. It would be a blast to roll your own TOS-era data displays and/or trade them with other collectors. We need a tricorder marketplace and ecosystem to keep it fresh! 🙂

  7. Dave Groh

    This looks amazing & I am beyond excited. I am curious, and I apologize if it has been brought up previously but I have not found any details on a price point. Has there been any announcements on a final cost or at least a range for a price point? There are so many amazing props coming out aside from this beautiful tricorder and I just want to know what I’m in for in terms of budget. haha

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Well were aiming for $350 but we are holding our breath to hear what happens in terms of the import duties, because that may well impact the final retail price.

    2. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Well, were aiming for $350 but we are holding our breath to hear what happens in terms of the import duties, because that may well impact the final retail price.

      1. Rodger

        I’ve collected functional Trek props over the years, and my own opinion is a $350 (or thereabouts) price point is VERY reasonable considering what the tricorder is going to be able to do. I absolutely LOVE Wand Company’s communicator and phaser; I purchased those too a soon as they were available, and like so many other fans, I suspect those are among, of not THE, “crown jewels” of any collection.

        I admit I don’t pay too much attention to shipping prices since you can’t really do anything about them anyway, and it only makes sense that if you’re purchasing something “high-end” like this, you want it to get to you in one piece and functional; secure packaging for the shipping, even if that’s looked at as “expensive” is *crucial*. Fans pretty much know when they’re being price-gouged anyway, so we aren’t fooled or tempted that easily.

        I’ve been squirreling funds gradually away so that when shipping formally opens after the pre-order stage and any open ordering, everything will be covered.

        I LOVE THIS!!!!

  8. Hope inspires

    I hope we will have the FM radio feature.
    Seeing how it has a speaker already.
    That will make it useful daily.

    Wish it also had a basic SD card slot with mp4 playing ability. Then we could load Star Trek episodes ourselves and watch on the screen.
    It has everything we need.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Well, it’s not magic, so although we might have some of the front end components, screen, speaker, buttons… there is a great deal more to making a device that can load, decode and play video and MP4, otherwise you could just connect those three elements together with cables and hey-presto have a video player! So, unfortunately, that capability is not going to be available in this tricorder.

      1. Jim M

        Hi Chris. I understand video playback is not a feature, but is it in the realm of possibility to show custom still image sequences — either now or on the roadmap of potential software updates? I recall the Edith Keeler playback is done using a rapid sequence of stills, so hoping that leaves the door even a tiny bit open for this down the line. It’s truly an amazing artifact you and the team have recreated.

      2. RandyC

        Hi Chris. Appreciate all the work that is going into creating the tricorder, and very much looking forward to getting mine.

        I agree that it would be cool to be able to play stills .jpg and videos .mp4 from a card slot. Not sure I follow the challenge. My inexpensive Raspberry Pi 3 credit card sized Linux computer from several years ago is well able to play .mp4, needing just the addition of a display and mouse or keyboard for interacting with it.

        Don’t know if you’ve provided this, but it would be awesome if software updates could be loaded in the future to expand capabilities that can’t make it in the initial release.

      3. James Scurry

        Awesome product so far. How difficult would it be to provide a port for a Raspberry Pi or Arduino to connect so they could access some of the hardware such as the screen, speaker, and buttons… and perhaps a button to switch between the default functionality and a simple external input mode?

  9. Eric Gustafson

    Looks amazing. Can’t wait to get mine however I do now NOT see a Canadian distribution? Please clarify if there is something in place for us who registered our intentions years ago. Thank you

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      We will be delivering them all over the world. We have yet to work out the exact route to Canada and that might depend on what happens in the US government over the next few months with duties etc. We’ll obviously want to choose the most cost effective route.

    2. Anonymous

      Hopefully the Canada Post Strike will NOT affect shipping to Canada as I live in Kingston Ontario! There are BETTER options to send, though.

  10. Jeremy Scarlett

    It surely is a thing of beauty and the detailing is exquisite – can’t wait to line this up alongside my phaser and communictors (50th & 55th)

  11. Stuart Sweet

    Chris, it’s so awesome that you take the time to read these comments and reply. I’ve been very happy with the communicator and phaser and it’s really great that you incorporated feedback like needing replaceable batteries into the tricorder. It looks amazing and I can’t wait to order mine.

    I’m registered, I know because I get your emails, and the day you send me a preorder notice you’ll have my money 10 minutes after I get it.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Have you been getting newsletters? If you have then we have your registration, even if you haven’t been getting them, it doesn’t mean we’ve lost your registration, however. if you haven’t been getting the newsletters, then you are unlikely to get the invitation to preorder letter either. Please email us on with this message and the name and email address you registered with and we will check.

  12. John

    I thought I had registered a long time ago, but I never got the registration email. I have been checking that inbox regularly but never got any updates. I’m not sure what happened, but I resubmitted the registration. This time I got the email.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      please write to us on with this message and we will look into whether you had an original registration. If you didn’t get any update newsletters then it is possible that they were going into your spam folder, or you didn’t actually complete the original registration. But if you email us we will be able to check for you.

  13. christopher lussier

    I registered in 2020 using the email I have since retired and had to re register as I do not have access to this old email address. could my early reservation be transferred to my current email address?

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Yes, please contact us on with these details and we will revise the email address in your original registration to be the new email address. Please let us know in the email you send both the old and new email address so we can track down your registration.

  14. Jamie Hurst

    This is all so awesome. I cannot wait until pre-orders are available. All I cam add, is what a few others have said: hurry up and take my money, it’s waiting for you!

  15. Rich tavalare

    Impressed beyond words. You and the team have boldly gone to a place beyond our wildest dreams. It is litteraly mind blowing to see this dream come to fruition. The functionality, stunning appearance, attention to detail are just remarkable.

  16. Dan Korzun

    Looking at those pictures, I think I may have just cheated my spouse a little. Those pictures are absolutely gorgeous.

  17. Steven

    Really looking forward to getting this! Just a quick side note, I accidentally registered twice but I only need one, how can I fix this?

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      You don’t need to, we will take the first registration as your definitive registration and ignore the second one.

  18. Tim

    Chris, would the Wand Co. consider building and selling Dr. McCoys’s medical scanner with sound in the future? It would be nice to tuck one of the scanners inside your amazing Tricorder.

  19. John Gotelli

    I can only echo the comments I’ve just been reading and if there is a place to sign up for a re-release for TOS communicator? I missed it the first time around. I do have TOS phaser. Keep up the great and visionary that you are all doing. THANKS

  20. Randy Desmarais

    I’ve been pre-registered for a few years myself and can’t wait to hold and play with the fine craftsmanship we all have come to respect and appreciate from the WAND COMPANY. SOOOO excited. Hurry Hurry Hurry.

  21. Robert Baumander

    I can’t wait to get this. As an original purchaser of the Communicator I was disappointed to have missed out on the phaser. Once I get this, my collection will be incomplete. I am hoping you’ll bring back the phaser, as you have with the Communicator.

    I just finished building my own Enterprise command chair, with a few modern updates and a complete set would be the perfect finishing touch.

  22. David Delane Snow

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU Chris Barnardo for personally informing us from the beginning and with every update. That has made a connection and endears us more with all the hard work involved in the project.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      David, thanks. I would have liked to say more and had more updates, but there were times when it was unclear how long a step would take and constant updates would not have been helpful and then there are time (most of the time actually) when this small team is so busy that taking the time to create more informative and interesting content for something that is happening anyway, is just too much, when the time could be better spent actually doing the work. Thanks for your support… we’re nearly there.

  23. Jaspreet Singh

    Hi there, been following this project for a long time! Wanted to ensure if I initially made it on the early preorders, I think I put my interest in back in April at the earliest? Will I be available to put an order down early or will I have to wait for a secondary release? TC-183738.

  24. Steven

    Hi, Chris. It looks absolutely stunning! Thank you for all the hard work! I would absolutely sign up to pay extra for a Medical disc! Also, how many units are you planning on making? Those of us with TC-numbers in the mid 100,000s are gonna have a chance, right?!? :/

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      The TC number, although sequential, isn’t a one to one match for an actual number, so I am sure you will be ok

  25. Scott Barilli

    Hi Chris, I can’t believe that the tricorder will finally become a reality for all of us. I want to echo the appreciation of the hard work the entire team has put forth.

    Is there a possibility of a reissue of the TOS phaser like the reissue of the communicator? I missed the first issue because I never knew it existed. Thanks.

      1. RandyC

        Hi Chris, I also wish for a reissue the TOS phaser. They are of course hard to find now in new condition and are very expensive, even in used condition. It would be great if you would reissue it and I’d be fine if it was simplified. I encourage you to at least post a poll for fact finding on your website to determine interest in a reissue without committing to production.

        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          Thanks for letting me know and yes, there is a world in which I would love to see the Phaser back in production, but it is highly unlikely. The original minimum order quantity for many of the components was 10k units, many of the internal electronics components have been end-of-lined by now and that would require a redesign. I’m sorry that I can’t be more positive, but although I am not saying never, it is as I say highly unlikely that we will look at making the Phaser again.

  26. Anthony K

    Chris, regarding the logs, you have said, “There are a lot of logs to look through, so to make things easier, the files will be cross-referenced by episode name, number and a text snippet, on a dedicated webpage so that users will be more easily able to search through the catalogue and find the Captain’s log they’re looking for. The audio files will only be available to listen to on the tricorder.”

    Can you tell us more about this webpage? Are you saying the tric accesses the webpage? Are you saying we need the webpage in order to play the audio?


    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      It’s not created yet, but we have all the data. What we want to do is make it easy to search and fun to look through. We have a layout designed for it and we will implement it, but right now we are very busy getting the Pip-Boy out and finishing off the last bits of prep for the tricorder production. So… more news on this later, it should be a lovely resource for all TOS Trek fans

  27. Tino Sepulveda

    I love the look and special features of the Tricorder coming out by your company, but my only pet peeve is regarding USB port location behind the Tricorder on the lower left-hand side. Why wasn’t the Tricorder designed to sit on a recharging stand like you did with the communicator, so that nothing sticks out on the exterior surface of the Tricorder that shouldn’t be there, staying true to the original Tricorder prop. Thank you.

  28. Steven

    Hi there, had a quick question. Some time ago when you guys were running the google forms submissions for the Enterprise events, I added an event for “Shuttlecraft launch in progress”. I understand there was no guarantee that that would be implemented, but I wanted to ask if it was chosen. I suggested it because I felt a shuttle launch from the Enterprise would be a very important event that would be shown because of the Enterprise’s shuttle bay. Away teams and scientists would need to take shuttles to do missions and planetary surveys away from the Enterprise (like in the Galileo 7 episode). Thanks anyways if it was not added!

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author


      I’m sure it was included… but you may or may not ever hear it. For that part of the tricorder to feel realistic the issues are served up randomly and then you have to wait for each one to clear down, for a few seconds to minutes depending on the severity, before looking for another issue. Eighty percent of the time there are no issues… although in a real starship you would very much hope that there were no issues 99.99999% of the time but that would not be any fun for users of our product! Anyway the thing is that you will hopefully be surprised one day to see your even coming up on the Tricorder.

      1. Steven

        Correct me if I’m wrong, but just out of curiosity is there an “override” for events to cycle through them? I thought I saw something like that when you were with Adam Savage or another person you interviewed with. Then again that may just be a temporary dev feature. Keep up the good work and really looking forward to preorders!

  29. Robert Baz Dresch

    Been looking forward to this from day one! I’m TC-69093, but I didn’t receive an e-mail with this latest blog update (yes, I checked the spam 😉 ) I’m still in line for preordering, right? Thank you!

  30. Dave Brussee

    You know what would make a GREAT Christmas gift? Placing an order for the Tricorder on Christmas eve! Any chance for this to happen?

  31. Spero B

    Good Evening Chris>>> My Registration # is TC-245935, and like others, have not received any further emails about nearing end of production and placing my order. This will ship to Ontario, Canada I take??? Seems logical to ask such a question EXCELLENT work and detail to say the least. Thank You.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      We haven’t started mailing out preorder invitations as we are not ready to do that yet, and yes we will be shipping to Canada. We are working out how to overcome the issues involved in shipping all over the world. hopefully that should be easy compared with the trials and tribulations we have had to overcome to get the Tricorder into production!

  32. Zaccheus Jammer

    Hello, I believe I regestered in late 2020 or early 2021. Am I also still on the wait list? I never got the latest october update.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Hi Zaccheus, you are still registered. Unless a removal is requested by some who is registered or the registered person unsubscribes, then it would be very very unlikely that we would lose your registration. In fact you were sent the latest newsletter. I suggest that you carefully check your mail and or your spam mail just to make sure you haven’t missed it. We sent you the newsletter on Oct 31, 2024 at 3:21 PM, I hope this will help you track it down.

      1. Zaccheus Jammer

        Thanks Chris I couldn’t find it so I guess I must’ve accidentally deleted it, I’ll be looking out for the next update though. Thanks for your help!

      2. Rich Tavalare

        Hi Chris.

        I never received the news letter email you referenced, which was released in October of this year. The last email I received regarding the Tricorder dates back to August.

        Just wanted to make sure I am still on your list of excited customers who is very excited and very much interested to order this product as soon as it becomes available.

        Best of luck and Happy Holidays to you and your family.

      3. Arthur Lamoureux

        Can’t wait to get it in my hands. I’ve had several Tricorders over the years. This is most definitely the best ever. The only thing better is one from the Enterprises lockers that would tie in to the ship’s computer and perhaps signal the ship for beam up.

  33. Bill D.

    Hi Chris. On a different note. I was just looking at the CAD drawing from one of the earlier blog entries. It got me wondering…with all the design and redesign that has gone into bringing the Tricorder to life… Is there anything in the Tricorder that survived from initial concept to final product without being changed? Love the pictures. You’ve really made something special. I can’t wait to own one. Thanks again.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Design is a constant process of refinement and modification in the pursuit of perfection. I feel that the basic design was cut from the beginning after we had the scan data, but in reality there is probably not a single part that has escaped the honing process. Every product as some degree of trade off between what one would like to do and what one can actually do. Along the way as we focus down on the finished product the refinements get smaller and smaller until many are unnoticeable to anyone save the person that started with the first CAD. However, we have had an unparalleled development period and I think it would be safe to say that there is not one square millimetre of the Tricorder that hasn’t had some refinement since that initial CAD. But that will only have been done to make it more accurate, not less, and to work away at any areas we thought were compromises to reduce them.

  34. Richard L.ambert

    Hello Chris!

    We’re all dying to know – did the production line start up today as scheduled? Pray good sir – do tell!

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      As seems to be the tale with this never-ending project, we had a last-minute ESD test fail. During the ESD testing, the Tricorder is shocked with thousands of volts to see if any of it leaks anywhere or stops the Tricorder from working. We had passed this test in our own lab testing but something in the way that the test was done at the factory test house just pushed it into a fail. This required a slight rework… which is very, very annoying at this late stage but, thankfully only a minor change was needed in order for it to pass. However, this has once again pushed back the start of production very slightly and now that has crashed into Chinese New Year. All the long-lead-time parts have been ordered, so from one point of view, I guess you could say that we have started production… if you count making the PCBs production, that is. But full-scale production/assembly and testing now will not start until the first week of Feb. 

        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          Yes, we have to have it on every product we make that has electronics in it, and you can’t really test the product until you have a final production ready sample to test, so it is always tricky, especially with something that has so many metal and electronic components layered so close to each other.

  35. Kim Roberts

    Hi Chris! Super excited about your Tricorder and can’t wait to fork over some bucks! Just want to make sure I’m still on the list? I do not recall when I signed up but I’m pretty sure it would have been in 2022 or early 2023. Thank you again for creating something truly fantastic!

  36. Steven B

    Hey Chris, Happy New Year! Just wondering if there were any quick updates you could give real quick, it seems production may have been delayed, you said it might start on the 28th. I’m guessing there was some last minute adjustments or code glitch? Hope it gets resolved quickly, and thank you guys for all the love and dedication to this project! Happy 2025!

    1. Anonymous

      I’m hoping for an update very soon. Hopefully, production did start/will start ASAP and they just have their hands full.

  37. David Knight

    Greetings, I am certainly not the only devoted fan, drooling after the Dec 28th production date has come and gone…
    We respect your efforts and I am sure you are as tired of hearing “is it ready yet” as we are of asking.

    So instead I will simply say: is there news?

    Thanks in advance.
    David Knight

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      As seems to be the tale with this never-ending project, we had a last-minute ESD test fail. During the ESD testing, the Tricorder is shocked with thousands of volts to see if any of it leaks anywhere or stops the Tricorder from working. We had passed this test in our own lab testing but something in the way that the test was done at the factory test house just pushed it into a fail. This required a slight rework… which is very, very annoying at this late stage but, thankfully only a minor change was needed in order for it to pass. However, this has once again pushed back the start of production very slightly and now that has crashed into Chinese New Year. All the long-lead-time parts have been ordered, so from one point of view, I guess you could say that we have started production… if you count making the PCBs production, that is. But full-scale production/assembly and testing now will not start until the first week of Feb. 

      1. JiminSTlouis

        Hello Chris. I had a question about shipping. Will the Tricorders be shipped to the UK from China then to customers in the U.S.? Or do you have a warehouse and distribution network here that receive them directly from the manufacturer?



        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          They will be shipped from China to the US and the UK warehouses. Products manufactured in China are now kindly subject to tariffs going into the US regardless of where they are shipped from. every product manufactured in China has to bear the words, “made in China”. We could not have swapped the manufacturing to another country even with years of notice, as relationships to manufacture taken years if not decades to build up. Also if we were manufacturing the Tricorder in the Uk or the US it would cost between twice and five times more to make (as a guess), if it could even be done in either of those countries. I am afraid that the import duties now being imposed are just a tax on purchasers and won’t really move the dial in a positive way, but we will all learn to live with the new world order. Until it a changes again that is!

          1. James

            My apologies for this and we will pick up the tab obviously not your fault. Keep in mind that only half of our country supports this.

          2. Chris Barnardo Post author

            I’m not sure that a full half will when they find out what is going to happen as a result. We had the same with Brexit, only after that we are stuck with it forever. What is says is that people are tired of big government bureaucracy, and this appears to be the only option, which is actually Hobson’s choice.

    1. David DeLane Snow

      Captain Dunsel LOL That’s what I’m looking forward to checking out, is the Manual. Kind of interested in, of all things, the PERSONAL audio specifications.

  38. NebulaM57

    All great things take time. As eager as I am to get ahold of two of these, I’d rather they take their time and get it right. Frustrating, but for the best. 🙂


    Just checking that you still have my preregistration form (applied early on)
    Good to get a basic price point though I wouldn’t mind betting the final price will be considerably more when it it released (in thr UK) Many thanks for all your hard work on this project especially on thr minutia and research on the details

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      David, I do have a registration for you, but under a different email address than the one you used to post here. Please can you contact us on and let us know which is the correct email address. I see that using the other (registered) email address you have been receiving our newsletters and opening them, so I am guessing that you have two quite similar email addresses. Please confirm which you would like us to keep on your registration.

  40. Steven B

    Hey Chris,

    Thanks for all you and the others hard work. I’m really looking forward to this, and it has well been worth the wait. I’m not an electrician unfortunately, but if you have time, would you be able to expain real quick what needed to be replaced and how much of the design needed to be changed? Was it was a bunch of wires and cables in the system?

  41. Captain Dunsel

    Any update on the manual? Spock built mnemonic memory circuits from stone knives and bearskins in less time!

  42. Bob B

    Getting very excited as the production date seems to almost be upon us! Hopefully things are going well for your team in China and this techno-wonder rolls out soon. Keeping an eye on the email box for the notification

  43. Don Beary

    This entire effort, the time, the engineering, the artistry, and the results (including the price point) have left me gobsmacked .. A sustained standing ovation for every single person and corporation that had a hand in this endeavor. .. I sincerely hope my number TC-38090 is low enough to be able to be on the first list to pre-order … “full-scale production/assembly and testing now will not start until the first week of Feb.” … Yay, it’s almost February 🙂

    1. Leonel

      Maybe all parts will be available on a Tuesday? Seriously though, I’m so looking forward to this like so many of us!

    2. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Thanks for your support… manufacturing now actually starting in early march due to Chinese New Year and some other ESD stuff that we had to sort out.


    So so so very excited for this! I keep panicking I’ll somehow fall of the registration for pre=order! I’ve even made three new small woden plinths with brass plates i’ve had engraved for when it joins my Phaser and OG Communicator, which I’m looking at out of the corner of my eye as I type. Having the full ‘Landing Party’ set will be pure heaven. Oh, and I’ve also got the rock lamp on the shelf ‍♂️

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Awesome, I know it is troubling everyone, but if you registered then you are still on the list and I am sure there will be enough Tricorders to go around

  45. Peter Horvath

    I too registered for the tricorder in 2020, but may have fallen off the list, as I don’t recall receiving the latest update. I just re-registered and didn’t get a notification that my email was already n file. I hope I’m not bumped to the end.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      No one needs to reregister, doing so might bump you to the back of the list as now you have a new registration date. We will do opur best to unpick those who have registered multiple times and do our best to find their first registration. As far as I can see, you received and opened the close up images newsletter I sent out in October, which was our latest newsletter.

  46. Chris c

    Can we get a production update? I know it was moved to Feb to fix the electrical issue. Is that still on target?

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      It was actually moved to the beginning of march due to Chinese New Year… hopefully now nothing new can get in the way of that start date… but you never know and we will not start manufacturing until we are 100% sure that it works perfectly.

  47. Jeremy Scarlett

    Me too and I can’t wait to study the manual in minute detail and memorise all the features of this exciting piece of equipment in readiness for it’s final arrival.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      yep hopefully. All my fingers are crossed this time and the final preproduction product I have on my desk as of yesterday looks very good.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Sure, somewhere new the beginning. I’m sure everyone will get a chance to purchase a Tricorder.

  48. Matt

    I really think that Wand got caught up in the Chinese tariffs. An extra 10% is nothing to sneeze at. It might go higher.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Indeed, but everyone is in the same boat and there are plenty of other products where the materials or components also come from China… plus there are companies that moved what manufacturing they could (softlines etc) to Mexico to avoid the last round of tariffs only to find now that they too are being penalised. We just have to accept that the tariffs are the start of a tax on consumers and rather a disastrous move to protectionism which stifles competition, thus quashing the strive for excellence and puts up price worldwide. As prices go up, even new domestic suppliers are then under no pressure to reduce costs and they get a windfall of more expensive products and all that does is fuel inflation. A few very rich people at the top get richer and we all get poorer.

  49. DougC

    I saw in a posting in one of the Star Trek groups on Facebook, that the Feb. start date is now moved to March, presumably due to the ESD Test Failure issue back around the start of the year. Hopefully this is the last setback. Looking forward to the pre-order to be starting soon.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Dave… err not really posted, more found by you… thanks. Not really ready yet, hence the x at the front of the URL and no links to it on the main website. But fun now you’ve found it and re[posted it. As it hasn’t been announced yet, bear in mind there might be some subtle changes to it

      1. Captain Dunsel

        That manual is awesome. FYI, there’s a typo on the compass calibration screen. “VLAUES”. I’d be happy to be a proofreader. I’ll do it for free! Let me know.

        1. DeLane Snow

          Looks like I may NOT be able to purchase after all due to personal medical issues; LOVING THE MANUEL!!!!!!!!!!

        2. Chris Barnardo Post author

          Thank you… as usual our fans come to the rescue. Please do let me know of any other gaffs you spot and I will try and jump on them as soon as possible. I have corrected that typo.

      2. Michael Bastraw

        Chris, having done product documentation myself, I know the labors that go into that which most take for granted. You and yours have come up with a fine balance of a necessary info dump, while keeping it entertainingly in-universe as much as possible. Best. Mike.

        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          Thank you so much for your kind comments. Like all our projects, they start off as a labour of love and end up (in the words of one of our dearest licensors) as a love letter to the fans. As fans ourselves, we do it the way we would like it done, although within the constraints of the tiny team we have; so your kind words mean a great deal to us.

      3. Dan

        OMG I Love the documentation. I had to print the pdf just incase the link got moved. Thanks for the update, and now only a few weeks until preorder (fingers crossed).
        Thanks for the update.

        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          Thanks for your kind words. There might be a few more changes to to it but they’ll be very minor

        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          No worries, it’s kind of nice that it leaked. It’s my fault, I should have given it a bit more of an oblique name. I’m glad it was more or less ready to share though.

      4. NAmabile

        Forgive my ignorance. But for the Planetary mode, shouldn’t it just be MOON and not THE MOON. As Moon is the proper name. It would be the same as saying The Saturn.

        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          Apparently, as outlined in some detail in IAU (International Astronomical Union) Style Manual, and seen here: the Moon the body that determines the way astronomical information is presented to avoid confusion, the designation of our Moon is, “the Moon“, with a capital M and used as a name (a proper noun). The same applies to the designation of our planet — the Earth, or our star, the Sun. Saturn is of course called just Saturn and when referring to Saturn’s satellites, they are called just, moons (no definite article), or the Saturn’s moons.

        2. Richard

          Linguistically, MOON is an indefinite article, as in “a moon orbiting planet Zork”. THE MOON, on the other hand, is the definite article, specifically referring to our Moon that orbits planet Earth. So, THE MOON is grammatically correct. Not to mention that it gives our Moon the pride of place it totally deserves, since without it there would be no advanced forms of life on Earth…

  50. RandyCC

    Hi Chris,

    I looked over the draft manual with great interest. Nice. Thanks. A nit pick but suggest in the figure of the button functions it would be logical (channeling Spock) to show the LEFT button at the left side of the figure and the RIGHT button on the right side.

    Is there the possibility to flash additional screens or features in the future, say through the USB port? I’m thinking additional systems under Planetary such Vulcan and Kronos (Qo’noS) and a few more screens under Engineering.


    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Randy, ahh yes that makes a lot of sense. I have corrected that rather boy scout error. I don’t think there will be any new screens, but you never know. We spent a lot of time wondering if we should put other alien worlds in the paletary database, but we feared a war might break out if we missed one out that we should have put it, or got the image slightly wrong, or were not able to find the full reference or data for the planets etc… so we stuck with waht we know about the cosmic neighbourhood.

  51. Jeff Kim

    Was there an advance email notification of the manual? I checked my inbox and junk folder and didn’t see anything. Hopefully I’m still registered.

    1. Jeff Kim

      Just read through the earlier posts…I see the manual was not “officially” posted as a Blog Update #23.

      Thanks Dave for “discovering” the advance copy.

      Ahhhh the tariffs. Is it cheaper to make them in the US or UK now?

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      A bezel is a ring or glamour frame covering a display or other functional item. So yes there is a bezel ring holding the moiré in place, (which is not called out), but the front of the hood is also an aluminium bezel, as this could be plastic we called it out as made in aluminium

  52. Bill D.

    Hi Chris,
    Proof reading question on the Tricorder-Logs page. “Searches return all instances of the terms applied whether they are in the episode tile or in the body…”.

    Should that read “episode title” or will the episodes be represented in a tile format of some sort? Thanks!

  53. Brian Hollcroft

    What you all have produced is so far beyond any expectation I might have had. I have been a Star Trek fan since the days of the first reruns in the early seventies. The Phaser, Communicator and Tricorder have always been one of my personal “Holy Grails”. I have the Communicator you did several years ago and I believe I am registered for the Tricorder when it becomes available and I’ll definitely be buying at least one. All I can ask is maybe in the future your company could do another production run of the Phaser as I was unaware of them until it became impossible to find one. But if not, I will always treasure what I have. Thanks for making one of my childhood dreams come true.

  54. Alan Claver

    Took a peek at the manual and was wondering if you’re using the same buttons and 4 way joystick as you did in the Communicator? Those are very nice items.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Similar. if anything, better. We have used the knowledge from the communicator development to refine these buttons and make them more accurate.

  55. Eric

    As we near the production phase, we should remember Greg Jein for all of his insight and effort. I only wish he were here to see the tricorderr go into production.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Yes we remember him every day. It is very sad that he is not here to see the Tricorder come to life, but we spent many hours with him and he was a fan of what we were doing to bring it to life.

      1. Kris Wingert

        Hi Chris! Are you sending out emails when the date will be and when we can pay for the Tricorder in order to get in the que for delivery? I know I actually put myself in twice to make sure I would be in the first round. Hopefully, the first submission on 2020 is the one you guys find for me. Let me know, excited to finally realize this long journey we have all been taking to this destination.

        Kris W.

  56. JiminSTLouis

    Hello Chris. Per the manual, the scanning sound effect is on during the EM radiation function. Is there a way to activate this sound effect during other functions?



    1. Richard

      Hi Jim. The answer to your question is in the manual’s “The classic prop’s grey screen” section. To quote, “When the grey screen is displayed, the watch crown lamps are all lit blue, and the screen does not display the button function display blocks. Hold the middle jog button up or down to adjust the grey brightness to suit ambient conditions. Press-click the middle jog button to toggle the classic Tricorder scanning sound on and off.”


  57. Kris Wingert

    Hi Chris! Are you sending out emails when the date will be and when we can pay for the Tricorder in order to get in the que for delivery? I know I actually put myself in twice to make sure I would be in the first round. Hopefully, the first submission on 2020 is the one you guys find for me. Let me know, excited to finally realize this long journey we have all been taking to this destination.

    Kris W.

  58. Patrick Moore

    Hi Chris,
    I was a Star Trek fan before it even aired. I remember watching the commercials – “Coming this Fall on NBC: Star Trek, an adult science fiction” and could not wait for the show to start. Of all of their equipment, the Tricorder was my favorite and I always wished that I could have a working one. It’s been a very long wait, but If things go well, it looks like I may have a Wand Company Tricorder to take with me when I visit the Star Trek Set Tour in Ticonderoga, NY this August. Keep up the good work!

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Manufacturing is starting in Mid-March, so a few weeks after that we hope to have the first units coming off the production line.

      1. David Decherd

        Like many here, I’ve been registered and waiting on this jewel for years. I’ve been patient through the many delays, periodically checking this blog to confirm I haven’t somehow missed my shot at the preorder. It appears now preorders may begin in March – right when I’m scheduled for a month long backpacking trip, making me largely incommunicado that month. Of course.

        My question is how limited will be this run and how likely is it will I miss out after this long wait?

        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          I hope you won’t miss out, we are making quite a lot for the first run so I am sure there will be enough to go round.

  59. Dan Korzun

    Question of the week: Does the Mid-March manufacture start for the first production run look like it’s going to hold? And as a follow up question: Are pre-orders done once that first shipment comes off the line or some time before, or after they arrive with you guys? (just trying to figure out the pre-order time in relation to the production time line).

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Dan, Yes as far as I know the mid-March start date is holding and we are gearing up for it. Two of our team are heading out to the factory to oversee the start of production. Our intention is to fly the stock in so we should be seeing shipments in early to mid April, but we have yet to work out thus whether it will be a straight purchase or a preorder. POf course that can all change, but we are certianly very close to having the finished thing in your hands.

        1. Chris Barnardo Post author

          Yes… me too, but preorder is actually quite difficult to organise if you are not set up for it, and we are not. So a straight sale might be easier for us to handle.

  60. Paul Seale


    Thank you for taking the time to answer all the questions on the blog. I know many of us are waiting on this product for years and are excited!

    I simply would like to confirm my registration. It should be among the original. Although I might have re-registered in a bit of panic after reading they were being shipped (thought my earlier registration didn’t go through).

    Thank you in advance.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Not really, sorry about that, we’ll do our best to work out a system where everyone gets a chance to own a tricorder, so please try not to worry.

  61. Bill Martinson

    No question for you today. Just … thank you. This will be the first time in my life that I have been able to afford a Star Trek object of this caliber. It seems like a dream.

  62. Kevin Schiedel

    Wow Chris, Reading all these blog posts makes me think you must be under an enormous amount of pressure but handling it like a pro. I too registered way back when but have been keeping an eye on things in silent mode. I bet there are tons of people like me who are going to spring up out of nowhere when you guys give the go ahead.

    Take Care,
    Monitoring from behind the moon,
    Kevin S.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Indeed, small team, very busy, and sometimes slow to respond, but trust me, we see every comment whether or not we respond immediately. Thx

  63. Anonymous

    Hi Chris, Wow! This is great. Answers to all of my questions. I too registered in 2021 and I cant wait to get the go ahead to order!! Thanks for all the excellence..

    Kevin Schiedel

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Because we have to moderate every new commenter’s comments and approve them. Once you have posted an approved comment then subsequent posts automatically appear.

  64. Peter Briggs

    I hope that “KLIGON D7” Typo on Archive Screen gets fixed, Chris! (Do I get a Discount on my Tricorder Order for spotting that? 🙂 )

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      No discount, but thanks for spotting that. The screens that you see on the webpage were ones that I recreated in Illustrator, as the resolution of the tricorder screen, while it looks awesome on the tricorder doesn’t translate that well to the web page. In creating those screens I inadvertently slipped in some errors… maybe to keep you on your toes… Anyway, thanks for spotting that slip… it’s now corrected.

  65. T. Alan Johnson

    Watching this thread close for more information. To pass the time as we wait, here is my question to all: will you buy more than one? If so, how many? I’m thinking 2 myself!

  66. David Christian

    Amazing. I couldn’t have done it any better and if I toot my own horn, ten years ago I did for the Mark X Tricorder what you are now doing for the TOS Tricorder.

  67. Richard

    I don’t know how many of you are aware that the former home and studio of tricorder creator Wah Ming Chang, at 365 West Poppyfields Drive in Altadena CA, was destroyed in the January 2025 Eaton fire. At least 17 people died with 24 missing and over 4,300 homes burnt to the ground. Please say a prayer for the lives lost and for those devastated by this horrific disaster, and keep alive the memory of a little piece of Star Trek history that’s now gone forever.

    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      David, each post from someone who hasn’t posted before has to be approved by The Wand Company. As we are a very small team, depending on workload in any given week, that process might not happen immediately. Sorry for the delay in approving your post, which I certainly didn’t find offensive.

  68. Peter Briggs

    Just a question about tariffs, Chris? As America devolves into financial chaos, I’m guessing that we in the outside world aren’t going to get penalised for this, right? There’s shouldn’t be any reason in Europe/Britain why the Tricorder wouldn’t be the same cost as before?


    1. Chris Barnardo Post author

      Not right now, we are very busy starting manufacture, so there will be news soon about ordering the tricorder.

      1. Glenn Alcock

        Very exciting Chris – I can’t wait to complete my set and add to the 2 communicators, phaser and mood rock!

  69. Dan Korzun

    With this being British Science Week, I started thinking about technology and of course the Tricorder, and I thought I’d check in and see if there’s been any updates on ordering, and to see if the manufacturing launch is going smoothly overseas.
    Thanks in advance for the update and information.


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